Todd Twyman, PhD
Profession Title
Professor of Education
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Campus Office Location
Eugene Campus Suite 250

Areas I Teach


Dr. Twyman teaches courses in applied human development, research methods, assessment, and social studies teaching methods. His research focuses on developing classroom-based assessment to increase K-12 student achievement. Current projects include developing and validating curriculum-based measures (CBM) for middle/secondary students and validating concept-based instruction as a means of increasing student learning in inclusive settings. He is a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).


PhD, University of Oregon

MEd, The George Washington University

BA, University of California, San Diego

Recent Publications

Twyman, T., Tedesco, M., & Duesbery, L. (2012). Monitoring student progress in social studies. Manuscript in review.

Lockhart, J., & Twyman, T. (2012, January 22). Invest in kids, not test scores. The Oregonian.

Duesbery, L., Werblow, J., & Twyman, T. (2011). The Effect of the Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading Curriculum (Planets and Moons Unit) for developing Literacy through Science in Fifth Grade. University of California, Lawrence Hall of Science. Berkeley, CA.

Twyman, T. (2010-2011). 21st Century Community Learning Centers: Annual program evaluation. International Society for Technology in Education. Eugene, Ore.

Twyman, T. (2010). Mixed-methods analyses of the GK-12 STEM Fellows Program: A program evaluation. International Society for Technology in Education. Eugene, Ore.

Girod, M., Twyman, T., & Wojcikiewicz, S. (2010). Teaching and learning science for transformative, aesthetic experience. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 1-24.

Duesbery, L., & Twyman, T. (2010). SEEDs/ROOTs secondary subsample analyses for English Language Learners. University of California, Lawrence Hall of Science. Berkeley, Calif.

Girod, M., & Twyman, T. (Summer 2009). Comparing the added value of blended science/literacy curricula to inquiry based science curricula in two 2nd grade classrooms.Journal of Elementary Science Education (21)3, 13-32.

Twyman, T., & Tindal, G. (2007). Extending curriculum-based measurement into middle/secondary schools: The technical adequacy of the concept maze. Journal of Applied School Psychology, (24)1, 49-67.

Twyman, T., McCleery, J., & Tindal, G. (2006). Using concepts to frame history content. Journal of Experimental Education, 74(4), 331 - 352.

Twyman, T., & Tindal, G. (2006). Using a computer adapted, conceptually based history text to increase comprehension and problem-solving skills for students with disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 21(2), 5 – 16.

Hollenbeck, K., Twyman, T., & Tindal, G. (2006). Determining the exchangeability of concept map and problem-solving essay scores. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 32(2), 51-68.

Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., McCoy, J. D., Twyman, T., & Tindal, G. (2006). Using a concept maze to assess student understanding of secondary content. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 32(2), 39-50.

Twyman, T., & Tindal, G. (2005). Reaching all of your students in social studies. TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus, 1(5) Article 1.

Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., McCoy, J. D., Twyman, T., & Tindal, G. (2003). How do critical thinking measures fit within standards-based reform? Assessment for Effective Intervention, 28(3 & 4), 37 - 45.

Twyman, T., Ketterlin-Geller, L., McCoy, J., & Tindal, G. (2003). Effects of concept-based instruction on an English language learner in a rural school: A descriptive case study. Bilingual Research Journal, 27(2), 333 – 348.