Areas I Teach
T. Anil Oommen serves as the Director of the School of Learning & Teaching (Eugene), as an Assistant Professor, Professional Development School Liaison, and Program Coordinator for the Bachelor of Education in Teaching and Language Learning.
Anil teaches in the MAT and B.Ed. Programs. He teaches Critical Perspectives on Identity and Social Systems and Culture, Power & Identity: Becoming a Teacher Leader and Advocate. Anil is active in the Eugene-Springfield community through his work on the Eugene SD 4j Equity Committee, and through his work as a comprehensive sexuality educator/trainer/consultant in school contexts and beyond. Anil has been interviewed for and quoted in Podcast for a Just World, Rewire News, The Hechinger Report, and The Washington Post for his comprehensive sexuality education work. He has helped implement the Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality education curricula at elementary, middle and high school levels in public schools and religious settings. He is co-author of Sexuality and Our Faith: a companion to Our Whole Lives, grades 4-6 (Second Edition) and author of a story about conception for kindergartners and first graders in the K-1 Our Whole Lives curriculum.
Prior to joining Pacific University, Anil was an elementary educator in both private and public arts-integrated primary school settings for fourteen years. Anil’s life as an immigrant in American schools continues to shape his explorations of diversity, equity and inclusion in today’s classrooms. His story is featured in the photo exhibit, Our Stories: Immigrants of America. His research interests include identity and belonging in school contexts, the role of schools in comprehensive sexuality education, and the intersections of Brown vs. Board of Education with the Juliana vs. US youth climate case.
Anil is a father, educator, and travel enthusiast. Anil loves the art of storytelling through films, novels, and poetry. He is a novice birdwatcher and loves photography and writing. He has published poetry on issues of identity and loss in the Wēber Studies Interdisciplinary Humanities Journal and the South African journal, Carapace.
MAT, Pacific University
MATS, San Francisco Theological Seminary
BA, College of Wooster