Sheryl Sanders
Sheryl Sanders, PhD in Anatomy
Profession Title
Professor | Didactic Faculty
Pacific Email
Office Phone
Campus Office Location
Creighton Hall 360

Areas I Teach


Sheryl Sanders is an anatomist who teaches for the Physical Therapy and Physician Assistant Programs. She also manages the Human Anatomy Lab.

Teaching Responsibilities:
DPT 500: Human Anatomy I
DPT 501: Human Anatomy II
PA: Gross Human Anatomy with Laboratory

Areas of Interest:
Reproductive Biology

PhD, Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Kentucky
BA, Biology Asbury College

Carroll MA, Hoffmann DS, Karnes JL, Sanders SL. Gross Anatomy During the Pandemic: Cadaver dissection is essential as a learning tool (white paper). American Association for Anatomy. 2020. (co-author)
Reisch, R., Rutt, R., Dockter, M., Sanders, S. Overactive bladder in female health professions students: Bladder diary characteristics and impact of symptoms on health-related quality of life. J Women’s Health, 2018 Feb;27(2):156-161.

Sanders S., Reyna J., Andrews J. Preparing students for gross anatomy practical examinations. (Poster, Human Anatomy & Physiology Society – Annual Conference, Portland, OR, 2019).