Scott Cooper
Scott Cooper, OD, MEd, FAAO
Profession Title
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Campus Office Location
Jefferson Hall 330

Areas I Teach


Dr. Cooper completed teaching fellowships in 1991 and 1992. His areas of expertise and research include visual performance, visual perception, vision and learning, and case analysis. Dr. Cooper is a fellow in the American Academy of Optometry. Research Interest: All facets of visual performance (assessment, prescription criteria, visual efficiency, vision therapy, vision development and perception, sports vision, etc.) Dr. Cooper was born in Wolsey ("A Crossroad of the Heartland"), S.D. His interests include music, food and cars. What does he enjoy most about teaching at the College of Optometry? "I am very fortunate to work with bright, interesting students who have individual motives, but a common mission. At the same time, our excellent faculty and staff provide a supportive environment with a sense of inclusion, camaraderie and encouragement. Therefore, each day, I get to see outstanding individuals make progress toward their goals while simultaneously becoming part of the optometric profession. That’s a rewarding and unique luxury that most people don’t get to experience."


MEd, Pacific University, 1993

Teaching Fellow, Pacific University, 1990-1992

OD, Pacific University, 1990

BS, South Dakota State University, 1986