Lena Cavusoglu

Lena Cavusoglu, PhD

Assistant Professor, Marketing
Berglund Hall 219

Dr. Lena Cavusoglu is an Assistant Professor of Marketing. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate students a spectrum of marketing courses. These encompass foundational subjects like Principles of Marketing and Marketing Research alongside specialized areas such as Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing.

A significant portion of her research is on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in marketing, specifically in creative industries such as media (advertising, movie, and social and digital media), entertainment, and fashion. Through her work, she aims to reveal the obstacles faced by underrepresented, marginalized, and disadvantaged communities and usher in a new era of DEI in marketing. She envisions that the improved marketing practices will enable a more egalitarian world by bringing diverse voices into production.

Her scholarly contributions have been published in pioneering peer-reviewed journals, including but not limited to the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Consumer Marketing, and the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.

Dr. Cavusoglu's commitment to research is evident through her active involvement in leading academic events. Her research has garnered recognition at esteemed conferences, which encompass, among others, the Advances in Consumer Research (ACR) conference, the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) conference, the European Marketing Academy conference (EMAC), International Netnography Conference (NETNOCON), the International Center for Anti-Consumption Research conference (ICAR), the Digital Marketing and eCommerce (DMEC) conference, as well as the Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science conference (RARCS).

Continuing her academic endeavors, Dr. Cavusoglu has shared her expertise as a visiting professor at diverse international institutions. Her commitment to teaching and research has taken her to various locations, including institutions in the United States, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates.


Ph.D. in Business Administration, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey
MBA with a concentration in International Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Masters in Strategic Design, Design of the Value Offering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
BA in Public Relations and Advertising, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey

Research Interests

  • Transformative Consumer Research; consumption experiences minority, racially and ethnically diverse, disabled, LGBTQ+ and low-income consumers
  • Consumer Culture Theory; experiential, sociological and cultural aspects of consumption
  • Critical Marketing; psycho-social influence of digital marketing practices such as AI and social media on consumer behavior; the interplay of markets, globalization, and digitalization
  • Methodological Orientation; qualitative research methods mainly in-depth interviews, netnography and ethnography

Selected Publications

1. Cavusoglu, L. and Atik, D. (2022), “Extending the Diversity Conversation: Fashion Consumption Experiences of Underrepresented and Underserved Women,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 1-31.
2. Atik, D., Cavusoglu, L., Ozdamar-Ertekin, Z. and A. Firat, F. (2022) “Fashion, Consumer Markets, and Democratization,” Journal of Consumer Behavior, 21(5), 1135-1148.
3. Cavusoglu, L. and Atik, D. (2021), “Accumulating Capital through Social Media: Transformative Power of Underrepresented Fashion Consumers”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 38 (5), 514-524
4. Cavusoglu, L. and Atik, D. (2021), “Social Credibility: Trust Formation in Social Commerce”, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 6(4), 474-490.
5. Cavusoglu, L. and Demirbag-Kaplan, M. (2017), “Health Commodified, Health Communified: Navigating Digital Consumptionscapes of Well-Being,” European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 5, 11/12, pp. 2054-2079.

Professional Memberships

Association of Consumer Research (ACR)
Consumer Culture Theory Consortium (CCTC)
American Marketing Association (AMA)
American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI)
Association for Netnographic Research

Other ways to connect:
Personal Website


Lena Cavusoglu and Hossein Rikhtehgar Berenji are thrilled to be featured together in the May issue of Oregon Business magazine, recognized for their innovative teaching methods at the College of Business at Pacific University.

Lena Cavsoglu, Duane Zingale, Megan Gayodsh and Russell Belk

A personal experience for Pacific University College of Business Professor Lena Cavusoglu leads to the production of Face Value, an award-winning documentary about the experiences of those with facial differences in society.

Dr. Lena Cavusoglu, College of Business faculty member, delivered a thought-provoking keynote at the International Center for Anti-Consumption Research 2023 Conference, focusing on marketplace stigma and anti-consumption. 

Lena Cavusoglu, assistant professor of Marketing, triumphs with her short film "Face Value." The film explores the challenges of facially different consumers, advocating for societal recognition and sparking transformative consumer research. 

Marketing students at research conference

The College of Business made two notable presentations at Pacific's annual Undergraduate Research Conference. One standout project  explored women's online bonding in dating dilemmas, and the other delves into post-pandemic travel motivations.