Areas I Teach
Kevin Carr teaches science and science education courses, is Principal Investigator of Pacific's National Science Foundation Robert Noyce programs, and develops innovative pathways to teacher licensure including Residency teacher Licensure and Registered Teacher Apprenticeships.
PhD (Science Education) and MS (Physics), University of Idaho
BS, University of Oregon
Recent Grants
Principal Investigator, Woodburn STEM Partnership, U.S. Department of Education University School Partnership Title IIA ($199,800)
Principal Investigator (2009-present), Pacific STEM Teaching Pathways, National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Scholarship Grant ($748,000)
Recent Publications
Phillips, D.K. & Carr, K. (2010). Becoming a teacher through action research: Process, context, and self-study. New York: Routledge
Phillips, D. K. & Carr, K. (2009). Dilemmas of trustworthiness in preservice teacher action research. Action Research, 6(4), 421-440
Phillips, D.K. & Carr, K. (2007). Illustrations of the analytic memo as reflexivity for preservice teachers. Educational Action Research, 15(4), 561-575
Carr, K. & Phillips, D.K. (2005). Interactive textware: Using Macromedia Authorware to reinvent the academic textbook. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of e-Learn 2005: world conference on e-learning in government, corporate, healthcare, and higher education (pp. 29-34). Chesapeake, Va.: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Carr, K. (2005). The “Ten Most Beautiful” Experiments Interpreted by Novice Students. The Physics Teacher 43, November 2005, 533-537
Phillips, D. & Carr, D.K. (2005). Writing to re-invent: an eTextbook about becoming a teacher. International Journal of the Book v.2, 69-74
Carr, K. & Phillips, D.K. (2005). Using interactive textware to scaffold preservice teacher understanding of action research. In R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. McFerrin, J. Price, & J. Willis (Eds.), Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference Annual (pp. 1898-1904). Norfolk, Va.: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.