Areas I Teach
Course Information
At Pacific University, all faculty teach a variety of different courses. Typically, we do not use graduate teaching assistants, which means that your classes will be taught by professors and that you will have plenty of opportunities to get to know the faculty in your discipline.
Below I have listed some of the courses that I teach. We are always developing and trying out new classes, so the list may change now and then.
CHEM 230 | General Chemistry II & Lab
CHEM 340 | Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 341 | Quantitative Analysis Lab
CHEM 361 | Lab Techniques Env Toxicology & Chem
CHEM 444 | Instrumental Methods of Analysis & Lab
CHEM 460 | Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 486 | Capstone Research
CHEM 495 | Research
PhD in Molecular and Environmental Toxicology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR in 2010
BS in Forensic Science Toxicology, John Jay College, City University of New York, NY in 2005
Research Interests
I am interested in chemical contaminant monitoring and assessment of human exposure routes for chemicals of concern. Because the environment is vast and complex, research topics include air quality monitoring, pesticide toxicity testing, analysis of chemicals in consumer products, and environmental forensics among other topics. I am also committed to green chemistry principles and develop new analytical methods that enable research to be conducted in an environmentally friendly manner.
Students currently working in my lab are measuring contaminants in products and environmental samples in order to understand how chemicals move, accumulate, and transform under natural conditions. Students collect environmental samples, learn sample processing techniques, and explore, refine, and develop green methods of chemical analysis.
Julie Layshock, Molly Webb, Olaf Langness, John Carlos Garza, Laura Heironimus, and Deke Gundersen, Organochlorine and metal contaminants in the blood plasma of green sturgeon caught in Washington coastal estuaries, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, doi: 10.1007/s00244-021-00896-2, 2021
Geneva Diepenheim, Stephen C. Gift, Christopher Harb, Madeleine Wallace, and Julie Layshock, Survey of phthalate mitigation and distribution in water, sediment, and Typha in a fully operational constructed wetland- a pilot study, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 105 (2), pp. 205-210, 2020
Marielle Remillard, Laura Taylor, Julie Layshock, and Sheila Van Cuyk, Detecting Laboratory DNA Contamination Using Polyester-Rayon Wipes: A Method Validation Study, The Journal of Microbiological Methods, 92 (3), pp. 358-365, 2013
Julie Layshock, Katie Crockett, Brooke Pearson, Sheila Van Cuyk, Michael Brown, Brent Daniels, and Kristin Omberg, Reaerosolization of Bacillus spp in Outdoor Environments: A Review of the Experimental Literature, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, 10 (3), pp. 299-303, 2012
Sheila Van Cuyk, Alina Deshpande, Attelia Hollander, David Franco, Nerayo Teclemariam, Julie Layshock,Lawrence Ticknor, Michael Brown, and Kristin Omberg, Transport of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki from an Outdoor Release into Buildings: Pathways of Infiltration and a Rapid Method to Identify Contaminated Buildings, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, 10 (2), pp. 215-227, 2012
Sheila Van Cuyk, Alina Deshpande, Attelia Hollander, Nathan Duval, Lawrence Ticknor, Julie Layshock, LaVerne Gallegos-Graves, and Kristin Omberg, Persistence of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki in Urban Environments Following Spraying, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77 (22), pp.7954-61, 2011
Julie Layshock, Staci Massey Simonich, and Kim Anderson, Effect of Dibenzopyrene Measurement on Assessing Air Quality and Cancer Risk in Beijing Air, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12 (12), pp. 2290-2298, 2010
Julie Layshock, Glenn Wilson, and Kim Anderson, Ketone and Quinone Substituted PAHs in Environmental Media, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29 (11), pp. 2450-2460, 2010
Conrad Mauclair, Julie Layshock, and Anthony Carpi, Quantifying the Effect of Humic Matter on the Emission of Mercury from Artificial Soil Surfaces. Applied Geochemistry, 23 (3), pp. 594-601, 2008
^presenting author, *undergraduate author, Boldface for oral presentation
2023 Helt, R*^, Halcom, K*, and Layshock, JA Determining airborne concentrations of metals in outdoor Forest Grove, OR air, Murdock Undergraduate Research Conference, Vancouver, WA
2023 Henry, N*^ and Layshock, JA Assessing the rate of seasonal phthalate inhalation through air sampling in Forest Grove, OR, PNW Society of Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry regional conference, Portland, OR
2023 Halcom, K*, and Henry, N*, and Layshock, JA^ Rural Air Quality Monitoring for Particulate Matter and Associated Pollutants: Establishing Capabilities for Undergraduate Research and Community Exposure Monitoring, PNW Society of Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry regional conference, Portland, OR
2023 Layshock, JA and Almeida, C. Marisa, R.^ Determining pharmaceutical uptake by wetland plants to assess their remediation potential, Society of Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry Europe Conference, Dublin, Ireland
2023 Henry, N*^ and Layshock, JA. Assessing the rate of seasonal phthalate inhalation through air sampling in Forest Grove, OR, American Chemical Society Conference, Indianapolis, IN
2023 Halcom, K*^ and Layshock, JA. Determining airborne concentrations of metals present in PM10 in Forest Grove, Oregon, American Chemical Society Conference, Indianapolis, IN
2022 Henry, N*^ and Layshock, JA. Assessing the rate of seasonal phthalate inhalation through air sampling in Forest Grove, OR, Murdock Undergraduate Research Conference, Vancouver, WA
2022 Halcom, K*^ and Layshock, JA. Determining airborne concentrations of metals present in PM10 in Forest Grove, Oregon, Murdock Undergraduate Research Conference, Vancouver, WA
2022 Pilgrim, K*^ and Layshock, JA. Developing Methods for Easy and Rapid Analysis of Smoke Taint in Wine and Grapes, ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA
2021 Dagan, J*^ and Layshock, JA. Considerations for the Quantitation and Detection of Naloxone and its Metabolites in Surface Water, Murdock Undergraduate Research Conference, Vancouver, WA
2021 Pilgrim, K*^ and Layshock, JA. Developing Methods for Easy and Rapid Analysis of Smoke Taint in Wine and Grapes, Murdock Undergraduate Research Conference, Vancouver, WA
2021 Henry, N*^, Wyatt, K*^ and Layshock, JA. Investigating the Potential Migration of Phthalates in “Green”Drinking Water Packaging, Murdock Undergraduate Research Conference, Vancouver, WA
2020 Humphreys, N*^ and Layshock, JA. Analysis of organochlorines and polychlorinated biphenyls in green sturgeon plasma, ACS National Meeting, Baltimore, MD – canceled due to COVID-19
2019 Smith, L*^ and Layshock, JA. An Analysis of Bisphenol migration from Bio-Based Plastic during Simulated Food Contact, Society of Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry regional conference, Vancouver, WA
2019 Smith, L*^ and Layshock, JA. An Analysis of Bisphenol Migration from Bio-Based Plastic During Simulated Food Contact, ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL
2019 Diepenheim, G*^, Harb, C*^, Gift, S*^, Layshock, JA. Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Plants, Sediment, and Water in a Constructed Wetland ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL