John M. Medeiros
John M. Medeiros, PT, PhD
Profession Title
Distinguished University Professor, Professor Emeritus
Pacific Email

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Teaching Responsibilities

DPT 510 Clinical Biomechanics I
DPT 750 Bioethics Seminar

Areas of Interest



PhD, University of Iowa, 1978
MA, University of Iowa, 1974
BS, Northwestern University, 1968


Medeiros JM, Rocklin T.  Manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and HipTrac for patients with hip osteoarthritis: A case series.  Orthopaedic Practice 2016:29(1):12-23.

Rocklin T, Medeiros JM.  Functional measurement of normal cervical rotation, confined to the transverse plane, as it relates to age and gender.  Health Care. 2014:2(2):23-28.

Cook C, Medeiros J.  In memory of Peter A. Huijbregts.  J Manual Manipulative Ther. 2011:19(1):58.
Medeiros JM [Editor].  Flood JN, Bechtel B.  Post-Surgical Rehabilitation After Artificial Disc Replacement: An Evidence-Based Guide to Comprehensive Patient Care, 2008.

Medeiros JM, Calhoun, Winters M, Reed K. Physical therapy management of temporomandibular disorders: A long term follow-up. Abstract, CD ROM, Elsevier, 2008.

Medeiros JM, Gerhardt J. A new technology for objective measurement of cervical spine rotation.  Physiotherapy. 2007;93(S1):S708.


Farm and garden fitness.  Grow the Coast Conference, Seaside, OR, November 1, 2014.

Ethical dilemmas in health care.  OPTA Conference, May 2014

Scholarly communications: An introduction to journal editing and publishing. Pacific University, College of Arts & Science, January 11, 2012.

Ethics and caregiving.  Pacific University, College of Health Professions, May 4, 2011.

Ethics, clinical education, and physical therapy practice: Current issues. Pacific University and Mount Hood Community College Annual Clinical Education Conference.  April 23, 2010.

Functional measurement of normal cervical rotation confined to the transverse plane as it relates to age and gender.  OPTA Conference, March, 2010.

Physical therapy management of temporomandibular disorders: A long term follow-up.  International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy Congress, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 10, 2008.

A new technology for objective measurement of cervical spine rotation.  World Congress for Physical Therapy, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 4, 2007.

Understanding ethical dilemmas in clinical education. 10th Anal Northwest Intermountain Consortium Clinical Education Conference, Hillsboro, OR, September 22, 2007.

Objective range of motion measurement workshop.  American Board of Medical Examiners, Chicago, IL, August 20, 2006.
Proper application of inclinometers and lasers for objective, evidence-Based measurement and recordings of range of motion.  California Orthopedic Association, Carlsbad, CA, April 21, 2006.


Faculty Advisor, North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy
Board Member, Institute for the Advancement of Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Research Committee, Oregon physical Therapy Association
Pacific University Faculty Senate, 2008-11
Pacific University Presidential Search Committee, 2008-09
Pacific University College of Health Professions.  Grader for Interprofessional Course Poster Presentations, 2010-13
Pacific University Hearings Panel Oversight Committee, 2012-14
Pacific University School of Physical Therapy, Chair, Faculty Search Committee, 2012-13


John Medeiros Distinguished Authorship Award, Maney Publishing, Leeds, UK, 2011