Jessica Moore
Jessica Moore, EdD, ATC
Profession Title
Assistant Professor
Office Phone
Campus Office Location
HPC2 186

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Jessica Moore, EdD, ATC is an Assistant Professor in the Master of Science in Athletic Training program.


2014-2017 EdD, Counselor Education | University of Montana, Missoula

Dissertation: Experience and Process of the Working Alliance in Collegiate Athletic Training

2004-2006 MS, Education - Post-Professional Athletic Training Program | Old Dominion University, Norfolk

1998-2002 BS, Sports Medicine - Athletic Training | Castleton State College, Castleton


Professional Experience

Academic Experience

2018 Instructor, University of Montana

2013-2016 Clinical Adjunct Professor/Assistant Clinical Education Coordinator, University of Montana, Missoula, MT

2006-2013 Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

2005-2006 Lecturer, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

Athletic Training Clinical Experience

2013-2018 Athletic Trainer/Athletic Trainer in a Physician Practice, Missoula Bone and Joint, Missoula, MT

2006-2013 Athletic Trainer, Saint Michaels College, Colchester, VT

2004-2006 Athletic Trainer, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA




Moore, JM, Murray, KW.  Attuning Healthcare Providers to the Working Alliance: Counseling Skills Training Across Disciplines (2016). Rocky Mountain Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Steamboat, CO. 

Moore, JL. Pulmonary Emboli in Male Collegiate Athlete (2011). Presented at Northern New England Athletic Training Conference, VT.


Moore, JM. The Experience and Process of a Working Alliance in Collegiate Athletic Training (2018).  Presented at Phi Delta Kappa Research Symposium, Missoula, MT.

Moore, JM. The Experience and Process of a Working Alliance in Collegiate Athletic Training (2017).  Presented at Graduate Student Research Symposium, Missoula, MT. 

Moore, JM.  Athletic Trainer Empathy, Athlete Perception of Empathy and Rehabilitation Adherence (2015).  Presented at Graduate Student Research Symposium, Missoula, MT.

Moore, JM, Moody, VR,.  The Role of Athletic Trainers in Wild Land Fire: A Collaborative Model (2014, 2016). Presented at Northern Rockies Incident Medical Specialist (IMS) Training, Missoula, MT.


Committee Work & Service: Department


2007-2013 Secretary, Vermont Association of Athletic Trainers

2007-2013 Chairperson, Vermont Association of Athletic Trainers Honors and Awards Committee

2011, Member, Northern New England Athletic Trainers Conference Planning and Development Committee


2016 Member, Scholarship Committee, University of Montana, Missoula, MT

2014-2016 Member, Admissions Committee Athletic Training Education Program, University of Montana, Missoula, MT

2014-2016 Member, Assessment Committee Health and Human Performance Department, University of Montana, Missoula, MT


2018 Medical Volunteer, Missoula Marathon

2018 Volunteer, Trails to Rails Run Saint Regis Montana

2017 Volunteer, Bitterroot Health Career Fair

2014-2017 Assistant Director Medical Committee, Special Olympics Montana State Summer Games

2012 Medical Volunteer, IIHF Women’s Ice Hockey Championships

2007, 2009, 2012 Medical Volunteer, Key Bank VT City Marathon

Professional Associations

National Athletic Trainers Association

Northwest Athletic Trainers Association