Severe Thunderstorms Possible

Severe thunderstorms are possible in the Portland area and Willamette Valley. Take precautions to stay safe. Es posible que se produzcan tormentas eléctricas severas en la zona de Portland y el valle de Willamette. Tome precauciones para mantenerse a salvo.

Details / Detalles

Jeslyn Lemke
Jeslyn Lemke, PhD
Profession Title
Visiting Assistant Professor of Journalism
Pacific Email
UC Box
Campus Office Location
Walter Hall (Forest Grove)

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Dr. Jeslyn Lemke is a journalist and assistant professor of journalism at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. She earned her PhD in Media Studies from University of Oregon with a specialization in journalism and international communication in December 2017. Drawing on five years as a print journalist in Washington State and multiple reporting trips to francophone West Africa, Lemke teaches introductory reporting skills across digital and print platforms, media theory and international communication with a focus on media usage in sub-Saharan Africa. Lemke was a tenure-track journalism professor at Rhode Island College from 2018 to 2019. She won a fellowship to attend the 2019 PhDigital Media Bootcamp at Texas State University, funded by the Knight Foundation. She spent December 2018 reporting in Ivory Coast, West Africa.