Huy Hoang
Huy Hoang, PharmD, RPh
Profession Title
Assistant Professor
Pacific Email
Office Phone
Campus Office Location
Creighton Hall 567

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Educational History

PharmD--Washington State University, 2014
BA, Economics--University of Washington, 2009

Practice/Research Interests

Dr. Hoang’s focus is community pharmacy practice, and he is currently a float pharmacist for CVS/Target. He currently serves on the HealthNet P&T Committee, and is a former CVS/Target Pharmacy Manager in the heart of downtown Portland. He has served as part of the Clark College Pharmacy Technician Advisory Committee. He has also worked on various healthcare projects for Horizon Continuing Medical Education (CME) Pharmacy.

Outside the Classroom

Dr. Hoang currently serves as the Treasurer for Oregon State Pharmacy Association (OSPA). In his free-time, he enjoys learning new basketball moves, smashing tennis balls, and consistently trying to correct his golf-swing. He has a passion for learning about people from different ethnic backgrounds through food, and likes to relax from the soothing voice of Bob Ross and Mr. Rogers.