Areas I Teach
Physical Therapy (DPT)
Teaching Responsibilities:
DPT 632: Musculoskeletal Examination & Intervention for the Spine
DPT 633: Musculoskeletal Examination & Intervention for the Extremities
Areas of Interest:
Clinical reasoning
Clinical decision making
Overhead athletes
Manual therapy (including manipulation)
Readiness to return to sport
Student readiness for manipulation
Application of manual therapy in the pediatric population
Fellowship in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy, Regis University, 2021
Residency in Orthopedic Physical Therapy, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017
DPT, Pacific University School of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training, 2015
BS, Pacific University, 2012
Clinical Certifications:
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
2023 – Present
Sports Clinical Specialist (SCS)
Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT)
2021 – Present
American Physical Therapy Association
2019 – present
Credential Clinical Instructor (CCI)
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
2018 – Present
Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist (OCS)
Hagen ND, Reyes GF, Liu EK. A Comparison of Static, Dynamic, and Dynamic with Compression Stretching of the Ankle on Ankle Dorsiflexion: Can Compression Assist with Ankle Movement Preparation. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning. 2017; 25(4): 6-17.
Liu EK, Morihara K, Hammerich A, MacDonald CW, Dennison B. Caregiver training utilizing hands on techniques in an effort to ease caregiver burden in the family of a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy: implementation of clinical decision making. American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Annual Conference, 2020.
Wilkinson BW & Liu, EK. An evidence-supported review of impairment-based rehabilitation for the recovering upper extremity. Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon Annual Conference, 2020.
Myers BJ & Liu EK. Trunk Repositioning Error during a Repeated Flexion Task in Asymptomatic Young Adults, Combined Sections Meeting; American Physical Therapy Association, 2018.
Liu EK, Myers BJ, Barianyi B, Graber K, Keil A, Davey D & Payette J. Lumbar repositioning error increases with a repeated spinal flexion task in asymptomatic individuals. Combined Sections Meeting; American Physical Therapy Association, 2018.
Hagen ND, Reyes GF, Liu EK, Whittington, J. A comparison of ankle range of motion treatments and the influence of mobility band compression on ankle joint range of motion. A preliminary analysis of a randomized clinical trial, Combined Sections Meeting: American Physical Therapy Association, 2015.
Clinical Physical Therapy Supervisor, Therapy Abroad
Ambassador, Physical Therapy Day of Service
Physical Therapy Supervisor, Viva Nicaragua
Volunteer Physical Therapist, Special Olympics of Oregon
Outstanding Graduate. Pacific University, School of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training