Liz Davis
Elizabeth Davis, OD, MEd
Profession Title
Part-Time Assistant Professor
Pacific Email
Office Phone
UC Box
Campus Office Location
Jefferson Hall 235

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Dr. Davis completed teaching fellowships at Pacific University in 1997 and 1998 and has served as assistant faculty in the disease courses and patient communication. In addition to her responsibilities at the College of Optometry, Dr. Davis is an optometric physician in a private practice in the Portland metro area.

Prior to starting optometry school, Dr. Davis worked as a veterinary technician for three years, enduring the occasional scratch, bite and kick. The lure of bi-ped patients with whom she could more easily communicate convinced her to pursue a career in optometry. Her pets (horses, dog and cats) became her unwitting patients to practice her developing skills.

The athletic Dr. Davis completed the Portland Marathon in 1995 and 2005. She enjoys "bouldering," horseback riding and jet skiing.

What does she enjoy most about teaching at the college?

"I enjoy working with the friendly, enthusiastic staff, students and faculty, as well as seeing patients a few days each week — it's the best of both worlds!"


MEd, Pacific University, 1999

Teaching Fellow, Pacific University, 1996-98

OD, Pacific University, 1996

BS, Pacific University, 1993