University of Virginia, PhD, August 1987
Baylor University, MA, August 1983
Oklahoma Baptist University, BA (summa cum laude with honors), May 1981
Courses I Teach
Logic and Critical Thinking (various formats)
Intro to Philosophy courses
History of Philosophy: Ancient, Medieval, Early and Late Modern
Contemporary Philosophy (Continental, American, Feminism)
Ethics (including a course on "animal rights and animal minds")
Interdisciplinary Humanities
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Religion
Non-western Philosophy
Asian Philosophy
Senior Seminar (thesis supervision)
400-level seminars: Postmodernism, Presocratics, Plato, Rorty
“Empty and Extended Craving: An application of the extended mind thesis to the four noble
truths” in Contemporary Buddhism Vol. 12, No. 2 (November 2011).
“’If you touch them, your balls will drop off!’: A Review of South Park and Philosophy:
Bigger, Longer, and More Penetrating” in Teaching Philosophy 32:2 (June 2009)
“The Connectionist Self in Action” in Mind & Society: Cognitive Studies in Economics and
Social Sciences (published online 6 February 2007:
“Hunting Fat Gnu: How to Identify a Proxytype” in Essays in Philosophy:
Philosophy of Perception Vol. 5, No. 1 (2004)
“Connectionist Agency” in Philosophy in the Contemporary World Vol. 10, No. 2 (2003)
"The Morally Excellent Brain" in Contemporary Philosophy Vol. XXIII, No.5&6 (2001)
"Aristotle, Connectionism, and the Morally Excellent Brain" in The Padeia Project
On-Line: Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy
(Boston: American Organizing Committee, Inc.), (Fall 1999)
"Acquiring Ethical Ends" (an essay on Aristotle's Ethics) in Ancient Philosophy 10 (1990), 63-79
Book Review of J.L. Ackrill's A New Aristotle Reader for Philosophical Books (July 1988), 130
"Essence, Existence, and Nominal Definition in Aristotle's Post. Analytics II 8-10"
in Phronesis (33:2, 1988), 133-154, co-authored by Daniel Devereux and David DeMoss
"Episteme as Doxa in Theaetetus" in Contemporary Essays on Greek Ideas: The
Kilgore Festschrift (Baylor University Press 1987)
Honors, Awards, Grants
Faculty Development Grant from Pacific University: “The Empty and Extended Self: An
interpretation of Buddhist concepts in the light of contemporary cognitive science
and philosophy.” This was for a sabbatical project. (2010)
S.S. Johnson Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching (2002)
(“In recognition of outstanding service as teacher and mentor to the students
of Pacific University and for significant contributions to the academic life of
our learning community through excellence and innovations in teaching.”)
Sabbatical Proposal for 2002-2003 accepted by Pacific University; project title:
“The Morally Excellent Brain” (2002)
Faculty Development Grant from Pacific University: "The Connectionist Self" (2001)
Nominee for Professor of the Year by Pacific University to be selected by the
Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (1998)
Junior Faculty Award from Pacific University (1997)
("In recognition of outstanding service as teacher and mentor to the students
of Pacific University and for significant contributions to the academic life of
our community early in his professional career.")
Summer Faculty Scholar for Pacific University; project title:
"Aristotle, Connectionism, and the Morally Excellent Brain" (1997)
Honor Roll of Outstanding Freshman Advocates as listed by The National Resource Center
for The Freshman Year Experience and Students in Transition; nominated by
Pacific University for the Center's Outstanding Freshman Advocate Award (1997)
Nominee for NEH Summer Research Stipend by Pacific University (1996)
Project Adviser for Willamette University student receiving an NEH Younger
Scholars Award to write an essay on Nietzsche (1991)
Dissertation Fellowship from University of Virginia (1986-1987)
The Raven Society (University of Virginia 1986)
Finalist for National Graduate Fellows Program (1985)
DuPont Scholarships (1984-1986)
Teaching Assistantships at University of Virginia and Baylor University (1982-86)