David Boersema
David Boersema, PhD
Profession Title
Emeritus Professor
Pacific Email
Office Phone
503 352 2150

David Boersema is retired emeritus professor with specializations in philosophy of science, philosophy of art, American philosophy, rights and peace studies.

He was the founding director of the Center for Peace and Spirituality. He is a Distinguished University Professor of philosophy and also the Douglas C. Strain Chair of Natural Philosophy. He served as chair of the Peace and Conflict Studies program from 1996 to 2004. Under Dr. Boersema's leadership, the university community developed a mission for the center and Dr. Boersema recruited nationally known speakers on peace and civil rights to visit campus.     

Campus Address

Department of Philosophy
Pacific University
Forest Grove, OR 97116                                  


PhD, Philosophy, Michigan State University, 1985

MA, Philosophy, Michigan State University, 1978

BA, Philosophy/Economics, Hope College, 1973

Teaching experience

Professor, Pacific University, 1997-2016

Associate Professor, Pacific University, 1991-1997

Assistant Professor, Pacific University, 1985-1991

Instructor, Delta College, 1982-1984

Instructor, Michigan State University, 1979-1982

Instructor, Jackson Community College, 1977-1978

Related experience

Director, Center for Peace & Spirituality, Pacific University, 2012-2014

Faculty Senate, Pacific University, 2007-2014

Member, Pacific University Board of Trustees, 2003-2006

Chair, University Honors & Awards Committee, Pacific University, 1999-2000, 2006-2009

Chair, University Personnel Committee, Pacific University, 1996-1997

Chair, Department of Philosophy, Pacific University, 1987-1995, 2000-2004, 2009-2013

Chair, Peace and Conflict Studies program, Pacific University, 1996-2005

Chair, Division of Humanities, Pacific University, 1991-1994, 2004-2005

Chair, University Budget Advisory Committee, Pacific University, 1991-1992

Chair, Standards & Advising Committee, Pacific University, 1987-1989

Director, University Honors Program, Pacific University, 1986-1989

Member, Ad Hoc Search Committee for APA Executive Director, 2000, 2002

Member, APA Committee on Status and Future of the Profession, 2001-04

Member, APA Committee on Pre-College Instruction in Philosophy, 2006-2009

Scholarships, Grants & Awards

Faculty Development Grant, Pacific University, 2014 (topic: Peirce and Virtue Epistemology)

Faculty Development Grant, Pacific University, 2008 (topic: Philosophy of Rights)

Distinguished University Professor, Pacific University, 2003

Faculty Development Grant, Pacific University, 2001 (topic: Pragmatism and Reference)

President of the Northwest Conference on Philosophy, 2000-2001

Hewlett Fellowship for course development ("History of Science: A Cross-cultural Approach"), 1999

Faculty Development Grant, Pacific University, 1997 (topic: Mass Extinctions and Phil. of Science)

Recognition for teaching excellence, American Philosophical Association, 1995

S.S. Johnson Award (for excellence in undergraduate teaching; selected by Pacific U. faculty), 1994

Arthur & Lois Graves Award (for teaching, research in the humanities), 1994

J. J. Malone Faculty Fellowship (for research in Middle East studies), 1992

First recipient of endowed chair: Douglas C. Strain Chair of Natural Philosophy, 1990

Charles Trombley Award (student-awarded teacher of the year), Pacific University, 1987

General College Scholarship (in philosophy), Michigan State University, 1982-1983

George F. Baker Scholarship (in economics), Hope College, 1972-1973

Courses taught

Introduction to Philosophy                                          Seminar in Philosophy of Math

Ethics and Values                                                       Seminar in Semiotics   

Critical Thinking                                                         Seminar in Philosophy of Mind

Logic                                                                        Seminar in Philosophy of Language

Existentialism                                                            Seminar on Nietzsche

Classical and Medieval Philosophy                               Honors: Meaning of Modern Physics

Philosophy and the Modern World, 1500-1900              Honors: Cosmology

Twentieth Century Philosophy                                     History of Science

Ethics, Medicine and Health Care                                 The Middle East

Philosophy of Science                                                 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies

Philosophy of Biology                                                  Philosophical and Theological Bases of Peace

Philosophy of Law                                                       Culture and Civilization

Philosophy of Art                                                         School and Society

American Philosophy                                                   First-Year Seminar

Human Rights                                                             Introduction to Linguistics

Publications (Books)

  • What Can I Do with a Degree in Philosophy? (ed.) Forest Grove: Bee Tree Books, 2019
  • Northern Exposure and Philosophy, Kindle Direct Publishing, 2018
  • Dimensions of Moral Agency, (ed.) Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2014
  • Philosophy of Art: Aesthetic Theory and Practice, Boulder: Westview Press, 2013
  • Facts on File Guide to Philosophy: History of Western Philosophy, New York: Facts on File, 2012
  • Facts on File Guide to Philosophy: Knowledge, Logic, and Science, New York: Facts on File, 2012
  • Facts on File Guide to Philosophy: Reality, Religion, and the Mind, New York: Facts on File, 2012
  • Facts on File Guide to Philosophy: Values and the Good Life, New York: Facts on File, 2012
  • Philosophy of Human Rights: Theory and Practice, Boulder: Westview Press, 2011
  • Pragmatism and Reference, Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2009
  • Philosophy of Science, New York: Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2008
  • Spiritual and Political Dimensions of Nonviolence and Peace, co-editor with Katy Gray Brown, New York: Rodopi, 2006

Publications (Articles, encyclopedia entries, book chapters):

-“Pragmatism and Language” In The Routledge Companion to Pragmatism, edited by Scott Aiken and Robert B. Talisse.  Routledge: New York, 2022. Pages 217-225.

-“American Idealism” In The Routledge Handbook of Idealism and Immaterialism, edited by Joshua Ferris and Benedickt Paul Göcke. New York: Routledge, 2022. Pages 79-90.

-“Using Real and Imaginary Cases to Communicate Aspects of Nature of Science” In Nature of Science in Science Instruction, edited by William McComas. New York: Springer, 2020. Pages 283-294.

-“The Virtues of Art” In Mister Rogers and Philosophy, edited by Eric J. Mohr and Holly K. Mohr. Chicago: Open Court, 2019. Pages 67-74.

-“Letters from the Messiah: Arts and Peace Building” In Pacifism, Politics, and Feminism: Intersections and Innovations, edited by Jennifer Kling. Leiden: Brill, 2019. Pages 155-164.

-“Peace: Negative and Positive” In The Routledge Handbook of Pacifism and Nonviolence, edited by Andrew Fiala. New York: Routledge, 2018. Pages 116-124.

-“Negotiation and Regulation: Eco on Knowing” In Library of Living Philosophers: Umberto Eco. Ed. Sara G. Beardsworth and Randall E. Auxier. Chicago: Open Court, 2017. Pages 133-150.

-“‘We Are Not Going to Kill Today’: Star Trek and the Philosophy of Peace” In The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy: The Search for Socrates, edited by Kevin S. Decker and Jason T. Eberl. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. Pages 59-68.

-“Editorial: Philosophy of Humor” Philosophy Now #111 (Dec. 2015/Jan. 2016): 4.

-“Sequoyah and Seattle: Chief World Systems.” In The Peace of Nature and the Nature of Peace, edited by Andrew Fiala. New York: Brill, 2015. Pages 128-139.

-“Philosophy in the 1970s” In Historical Essays in 20th-Century American Philosophy (Vol. 11 of The American Philosophical Association Centennial Series, edited by Richard Hull and John Shook), Tallahassee, FL: RTH Pub., 2015. Pages 175-197.

-“Editorial: Philosophy of Peace” Philosophy Now #105 (Nov./Dec. 2014): 4.

-“Human Rights” Reprinted in Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary. Eds. Alexander N. Chumakov, Ivan I. Mazour, and William C. Gay. New York: Rodopi, 2014. Pages 257-259.

-“Pragmatism v. Originalism: A Mistrial?” Contemporary Pragmatism, 10 #2 (2013): 79-96.

-“The Animal Used for Science and Human Medicine” In Etre L’Homme et L’Animal: Le Rituel de Circe. Ed. André Buatois. Paris: Editions Gallimard, 2013. Pages 48-53.

-“Philosophy and Philosophers in the 1920s” In The Twenties in America. Ed. Carl Rollyson. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2012. Pages 823-825.

-“Positive Peace in the Middle East” CommonKnowledge (

-“Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam” in Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen Chatterjee, Springer Pub., 2011. Pages 99-100.

-“Legal Rights” in Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen Chatterjee, Springer Pub., 2011. Pages 640-642.

-“OPEC” in Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen Chatterjee, Springer Pub., 2011. Pages 785-786.

-“Retributive Justice” in Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen Chatterjee, Springer Pub., 2011. Pages 952-954.

-“Special Rights” in Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen Chatterjee, Springer Pub., 2011. Pages 1032-1033.

-“Aristotle” In World History Encyclopedia, Era 3: Classical Traditions, 1000BCE-300CE. Ed. Kevin M. McGeough and William E. Mierse, ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2011. Pages 560-562.

-“Socrates” In World History Encyclopedia, Era 3: Classical Traditions, 1000BCE-300CE. Ed. Kevin M. McGeough and William E. Mierse, ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2011. Pages 557-558.

-“Editorial: Philosophy for Children” Philosophy Now #84 (May/June 2011): 4.

-“Philosophy and Philosophers in the 1930s” In The Thirties in America. Ed. Thomas Tandy Lewis. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2011. Pages 775-778.

-“What’s Wrong with Victims’ Rights?” In Remembrance and Reconciliation. Eds. Rob Gildert and Dennis Rothermel. New York: Rodopi, 2011. Pages 73-81.

-“Aesthetic Reference” CommonKnowledge (

-“Universal Declaration on Human Rights” In The Forties in America. Ed. Thomas Tandy Lewis.

Pasadena: Salem Press, 2010. Pages 996-997.

-“Middle East and North America” In The Nineties in America. Ed. Milton Berman. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2009. Pages 568-571.

-“Geach on Proper Names” In The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy: Volume 6, Epistemology. Eds. Stephen Voss and Dermot Moran. Ankara: Philosophical Society of Turkey, 2008. Pages 37-42.

-“Ramsey Sentence” In American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia. Eds. John Lachs and Robert Talisse. New York: Routledge, 2008. Page 645.

-“Metaphysics” In American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia. Eds. John Lachs and Robert Talisse. New York: Routledge, 2008. Pages 503-506.

-“Inference” In American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia. Eds. John Lachs and Robert Talisse. New York: Routledge, 2008. Pages 394-395.

-“Logic: Deduction” In American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia. Eds. John Lachs and Robert Talisse. New York: Routledge, 2008. Pages 471-472.

-“Epistemology” In American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia. Eds. John Lachs and Robert Talisse. New York: Routledge, 2008. Pages 239-242.

-“Readers vs. Breeders” The Pantaneto Forum October 2007 (on-line journal;

-“Taking Compromise Seriously” in Spiritual and Political Dimensions of Nonviolence and Peace (above), pages 161-167

-“Moral Explanation” Bridges 13 (2006): 1-29

-“Eco on Names and Reference” Contemporary Pragmatism 2 (2005): 167-184.

-“The Phenomenon of Evidence” The Pantaneto Forum January 2005 (on-line journal;

-“Mind, Metaphysics, and the Unity of Science” Behavioral & Brain Sciences 27 (2004): 627-628.

-“Victims’ Rights” In Ethics, Revised Edition. Ed. John K. Roth. Salem Press, 2005.  Pages 1547-9.

- “Peirce and Sartre on Consciousness and the Ego” Philosophy Now #43 (Oct/Nov 2003): 12-15.

-“American Philosophy” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (, April 2004

-“Human Rights” in Global Studies Encyclopedia, Moscow: Raduga Press, 2003. Pages 240-245.

-“Metaphysics” in Global Studies Encyclopedia, Moscow: Raduga Press, 2003. Pages 342-346.

-“Peirce on Explanation” Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17 (2003): 224-236

-“Peirce on Names and Reference” Transactions of the Charles S.Peirce Society, 37 (2002): 351-362

- “The Internet, Epistemology and Ontology” in Journal of Education, Community, and Values, Vol. 2, #8 (August 2002) (on-line journal;

- “Introduction” in Essays in Philosophy v. 3 #2 (June 2002) (

-“Wittgenstein on Names” in Essays in Philosophy v. 1, #2 (June 2000)

-“Donald Davidson” in World Philosophers and Their Works, ed. by John K. Roth, Salem Press, 2000. Pages 435-441.

-“Saul Kripke” in World Philosophers and Their Works, ed. by John K. Roth, Salem Press, 2000. Pages 1025-1031.

-“Thomas Kuhn” in American National Biography, ed. by John Garraty, Oxford University Press, 1999 (on-line, no page numbers)

-“Alonzo Church” in American National Biography, ed. by John Garraty, Oxford University Press, 1999. Pages 863-864.

-“Inductivism, Naturalism, and Metascientific Theories” In The Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the IPS Spring Conference, 1997, ed. by Thomas A. F. Kelly, Irish Philosophical Society (pub.), 1998. Pages 55-73.

-“The Use of Real and Imaginary Cases in Communicating the Nature of Science” In The Nature of Science in Science Education: Rationales and Strategies, ed. by W. McComas, Kluwer Publishing Co., 1998. Pages 255-266. (Updated version in 2nd edition of this book, 2006.)

-“Pragmatism, Rights, Community” Contemporary Philosophy 19 (1997): 3-8.

-“Mass Extinctions and the Teaching of Philosophy of Science” Teaching Philosophy 19 (1996): 263-274

-“Rights and Moral Compromise” Contemporary Philosophy 17(1995): 2-5  (Reprinted in Law, Justice, and Culture, ed. by P. Koller and A-J. Arnaud. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1998. Pages 24-29.)

-“What's Wrong With Rights?” In Law, Justice and the State. Aleksander Peczenik & Mikael M. Karlsson (eds.). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1995. Pages 149-155.

-“Nemesis and Theory Evaluation” Methodology & Science 27 (1994): 209-220

-“Is the Descriptivist/Cluster Theory of Reference ‘Wrong From the Fundamentals’?” Philosophy Research Archives 14(1988/89): 517-538

-“The Irrelevance of the Realism/Nonrealism Debate” Methodology & Science 21(1988): 88-96

-Essay review of R.J. Ackermann's Data, Instruments, and Theory, Methodology & Science 20(1987): 63-70

-“Social Control in a Second Grade Classroom” In Toward a Theory of Teachers' Practical Ways of Seeing and Making Sense, Frederick Erickson, et al. Pages 1-62. Institute for Research on Teaching, 1986.

-“Epistemological Commitments of Information Theory” Methodology & Science 18 (1985): 1-11.

-“Teacher Determination of Student Identity” In Toward a Theory of Student Status as Socially Constructed. Frederick Erickson, et al. Pages 9-17. Institute for Research on Teaching, Occasional Paper No. 88, 1985.

-“Peirce on Man as Language” Kinesis 13 (1984): 65-76.

Publications (Reviews)

-Review of Hilary Putnam and Ruth Anna Putnam’s Pragmatism as a Way of Life: The Lasting Legacy of William James and John Dewey, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (November 2017)

-Review of Lars-Göran Johansson’s Philosophy of Science for Scientists and Kevin McCain’s The Nature of Scientific Knowledge: An Explanatory Approach, Teaching Philosophy vol. 40:3 (2017): 385-389

-Review of Phillip McReynolds’ The American Philosopher: Interviews on the Meaning of Life and Truth, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (January 2016)

-Review of David N. Stamos’, The Myth of Universal Human Rights: Its Origin, History, and Explanation, Along with a More Humane Way, Australasian Journal of Philosophy (online)

-Review of The Pragmatic Maxim: Essays on Peirce and Pragmatism, by Christopher Hookway, The Philosophical Quarterly 64 (2014): 328-330.

-Review of Philosophers: Debates and Dialogues, by Fons Elders, Teaching Philosophy vol. 36:4 (2013): 417-420.

-Review of Michael Polanyi and His Generation: Origins of the Social Construction of Science, by M.J. Nye, Annals of Science (2012): 1-3.

-Review of C. Porter and J. Girsch’s Make Up Your Mind: A Classroom Guide to 10 Age-Old Debates, Questions: Philosophy for Young People vol. 11, fall 2011: 13

-Review of R. Talisse and S. Aiken’s The Pragmatism Reader, Essays in Philosophy vol. 12 #2 2011 (online journal;

-Review of E.J. Lowe’s More Kinds of Being: A Further Study of the Individuation, Identity, and the Logic of Sortal Terms, Review of Metaphysics LXIV (2010): 151-152

-Review of M. Sullivan’s Legal Pragmatism: Community, Rights, and Democracy, Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Newsletter #108 (Nov. 2009): 49-51

-Review of C. Crittenden’s Language, Reality, and Mind: A Defense of Everyday Thought, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews Dec. 2009 (online journal:

-Review of M. Hussain and R. Wilkinson’s The Pursuit of Comparative Aesthetics, Essays in Philosophy vol 9 #2 2008 (online journal;

-Review of B. Moran’s Distilling Knowledge: Alchemy, Chemistry, and the Scientific Revolution, Bridges 14 (2008): 361-365

-Review of A. Dershowitz’s Rights from Wrongs, Essays in Philosophy vol. 8 #2 2007

-Review of S. Haack’s Pragmatism: Old and New, Essays in Philosophy vol. 8 #1 2007

-Review of S. Soames’s Reference and Description, Bridges 13 (2006): 184-189

-Review of J.S. Robert’s Embryology, Epigenesis, and Evolution, Essays in Philosophy vol. 7 #1 2006

-Review of M. Weber’s Philosophy of Experimental Biology, Essays in Philosophy vol. 7 #1 2006

-Review of P. C. Bube and J. Geller’s (eds.) Conversations with Pragmatism: A Multi-Disciplinary Study, Contemporary Pragmatism 1(2004): 179-182

-Review of Blackwell Guide to American Philosophy Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Newsletter #99 (Oct. 2004): 21-28

-Review of T. Kuhn’s The Road Since Structure Essays in Philosophy vol. 5, #2, June 2004  

-Review of J. Habermas’s The Liberating Power of Symbols Essays in Philosophy vol. 5, #1 Jan. 2004

-Review of J. Habermas’s The Postnational Constellation, Essays in Philosophy vol. 5, #1 January 2004

-Review of J. Conant and U. Zeglen’s (eds.) Hilary Putnam Essays in Philosophy v. 4, no. 1; Jan. 2003

-Review of S. Shapiro's Thinking About Mathematics Teaching Philosophy, 25, No. 3 (2002): 261-265

-Review of J. Brown's Philosophy of Mathematics Teaching Philosophy, 25, No. 3 (2002): 261-265

-Review of K. Baynes’ After Philosophy: End or Transformation?, Interface: The Journal of Education, Community, and Values, Vol. 2, No. 8, Oct. 2002

-Review of M. Friedman's Reconsidering Logical Positivism, Essays in Philosophy, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 2002

-Review of J. Garcia's Metaphysics and Its Task, Essays in Philosophy, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan. 2001

-Review of L. Filius's The Problemata Physica Attributed to Aristotle, Biblioteca Orientalis Vol. LVII, No. 5/6 (2000): 745-747

-Review of B. Singer's Pragmatism, Rights, and Democracy   Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Newsletter, June 2000: 27-29

-Review of K. Sterelny & P. Griffiths's Sex and Death: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Biology, Essays in Philosophy, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 2000

-Review of D. Hull & M. Ruse's The Philosophy of Biology, Essays in Philosophy, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 2000

-Review of R. Kearney & M. Rainwater's The Continental Philosophy Reader Teaching Philosophy 20 (1997): 193-196

-Review of W. V. Quine's Selected Logic Papers and From Stimulus to Science Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Newsletter October 1996: 9-10

-Review of Jostein Gaarder's Sophie's World Teaching Philosophy 19 (1996): 83-84

-Review of Toby Huff's The Rise of Early Modern Science Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 29 (1995): 243-244

-Review of David Lightfoot's The Language Lottery American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy June (1988): 17.

-Review of Anthony Gilles's The Evolution of Philosophy American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy June (1988): 18.

-Review of D. VanDeVeer and T. Regan's Health Care Ethics: An Introduction, American Journal of Occupational Therapy 42 (1988) #1: 62.

-Review of C. Hookway's Peirce, Teaching Philosophy 9 (1986): 372-373

-Review of I. Hacking’s Representing and Intervening, Teaching Philosophy 8 (1985): 177-178


-“Science and Peacemaking,” Presidential Address at annual meeting of Concerned Philosophers for Peace, Raleigh, NC, November 2017

-“Letters from The Messiah: Arts and Peace Building,” Presidential Address at annual meeting of Concerned Philosophers for Peace, St. Bonaventure University, October 2016

-“Peirce and Virtue Epistemology” Charles S. Peirce International Centennial Congress, Boston, July 2014

-“Sequoyah and Seattle: Chief World Systems” annual meeting of Concerned Philosophers for Peace, Yosemite National Park, October 2013

- “Pragmatism v. Originalism: A Mistrial” Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, University of Idaho, March 2012

-“Positive Peace in the Middle East” American Philosophical Association Pacific meeting, San Diego, April 2011 (Also, at 2011 Concerned Philosophers for Peace conference, Austin, TX)

-“Apel on Names and Reference” Northwest Philosophy Conference, Lewis & Clark College, October 2007 (Also, at Willamette University, March 2009)

-“ Readers vs. Breeders” Oregon Academy of Sciences, Western Oregon University, February 2007

-“Weber, Reductionism, and Evolutionary Theory” Oregon Academy of Sciences, University of Oregon, February 2006

-“The Dimensions of Compromise” Third International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Cambridge University, August 2005

-“What’s Wrong With Victims’ Rights?” Visiting Distinguished Speaker at Nova Southeastern University, October 2004; also presented at 57th annual Northwest Philosophy Conference, Seattle University, October 2005; also at 18th annual meeting of the Concerned Philosophers for Peace, Chico, CA

-“Mass Extinctions: Circulating Knowledge and Circulating Debates” History of Science Society annual meeting, Halifax, August 2004

-“The Phenomenon of Evidence” Oregon Academy of Sciences, Portland State University, February 2004; also presented at 56th annual Northwest Philosophy Conference, Bellevue Community College, October 2004

-“Geach on Proper Names” World Congress on Philosophy, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2003

-“Pragmatism, Individuation, and Reference” American Philosophical Association Pacific meeting, San Francisco, March 2003

-“Peirce on Explanation” Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Denver, March 2003

-“Hypothesis and Regularity” 54th Northwest Philosophy Conference, Lewis & Clark College, October 2002; also presented at the Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, Pullman, WA, May 2003

-“James on Names and Reference” Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, University of Southern Maine, March 2002

-“Taking Compromise Seriously” Concerned Philosophers for Peace annual meeting, St. Bonaventure University, October 2001

-“Moral Explanation” President’s Address to the Northwest Conference on Philosophy, Washington State University, October 2001

-“Peirce on Names and Reference” Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, UNLV, March 2001 (also given at Lewis & Clark College, Nov. 2000)

-“How Fully Developed and Informed is Oyama's The Ontogeny of Information?” Oregon Academy of Sciences, University of Portland, February 2001

-“The Fact and Value of Facts and Values” Oregon Academy of Sciences, George Fox University, February 2000

-“What Can Pragmatism Say to Communitarians?” Communitarian Network conference, Washington, DC, February 1999

-“What's So Natural About Naturalizing Philosophy?” Northwest Conference on Philosophy, University of Oregon, October 1998

-“Inductivism, Naturalism, and Metascientific Theories” Irish Philosophical Society  (annual conference), Dublin, February 1997

-“Pragmatism, Rights, Community” University of Cork, Ireland, February 1997 (also presented at 20th World Congress in Philosophy, Boston, August 1998)

-“Mass Extinctions and Teaching of Philosophy of Science” Third International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Conference, Minneapolis, Nov. 1995   

-“Rights and Moral Compromise” XVII World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Bologna, June 1995

-“Philosophical Issues in Theories of Mass Extinction” Geological Society of America Penrose Conference, San Diego, March 1994

-“Nemesis and Theory Evaluation (reprise)” Oregon Academy of Science, Corvalis, February 1994

-“What's Wrong With Rights?” XVI World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Reykjavik, June 1993

-“Peirce and Sartre on Consciousness and the Ego” Charles S. Peirce Sesquecentennial International Congress, Harvard University, Sept. 1989     

-“Health Care Ethics and Health Care Education” First World Congress on Allied Health, Copenhagen, June 1988

-“Nemesis and Theory Evaluation” American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division, Oregon State University, June 1988

-“The Webs of Belief” President's Lecture, Pacific University, November 1987

-“Wittgenstein, Names, and Reference” Northwest Conference on Philosophy, November 1987

-“The Irrelevance of the Realism/Nonrealism Debate” VIII International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Moscow USSR, August 1987

-“The Construct of a Scientific Model” Joint Conference of Theoretical and Clinical Optometry, Pacific University, August 1987

-“Realism and Antirealism in Science” Lewis & Clark College Philosophy Colloquium, May 1987

-“Ethical Theories and Health Care Professionals” Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon annual conference, April 1987

-“Individuals and Individuation” Western Regional Honors Conference, April 1987

-“A Problem With the Causal Theory of Reference” Northwest Conference on Philosophy, November 1986

-“Use, Mention, and Causal Reference” Michigan State University Philosophy Department Colloquium, May 1985

-“Teacher Determination of Student Identity” American Education Research Association, April 1985

-“Philosophy of Science and Science Education” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters, March 1985

-“The Epistemological Commitments of Communication-Theoretic Models for Philosophy of Science” Michigan Academy for Science, Arts & Letters, March 1983

Additional Professional Work

- President, Concerned Philosophers for Peace (2016-2017)

-General editor of Essays in Philosophy (2010-2016)

-Area editor for American Philosophy for the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2007-2015)

-Member of Board of Directors, Teaching Philosophy Association (20016-2020)

-Book review editor for the journal, Teaching Philosophy (2008-2016)

-Guest editor for Essays in Philosophy, vol. 3, no. 2 (June 2002); the issue was devoted to       “Pragmatism and Neopragmatism”  (web site:

-Issue editor for Philosophy Now #84 (May/June 2011); the issue was devoted to Philosophy for    Children, as well as issue editor for #105 (Nov./Dec. 2014); the issue was devoted to Philosophy of    Peace; also issue editor for #111 (Dec. 2015/Jan. 2016); the issue was devoted to Philosophy of Humor

-Executive director of the Concerned Philosophers for Peace (2007-2013)

-Book reviewer for Choice, the American Library Association’s book review journal