Daiva A. Banaitis
Daiva A. Banaitis, PhD
Profession Title
Distinguished University Professor, Professor Emerita
Pacific Email

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Areas of Interest

Adult neurology

Stroke rehabilitation


Higher education


BS, New York University, 1962

MS, Northwestern University, 1966

PhD, Southern Illinois University, 1975


Certified NDTA Instructor in Adult Hemiplegia, 1994


Principal Investigator, Model Program for Stroke Management. Two-year grant of $200,000 from Fred Meyer Charitable Trust to demonstrate that individuals who are at least one year post-stroke can gain functional improvement with appropriate therapy.  1985-1987

Representative Publications

Banaitis, DA. Question from the Field: What is the best balance evaluation tool to record outcome measures for an adult client with hemiplegia? Neurodevelopmental Treatment Association. Network, 2004; 11: (1)4,10.

Gillard AJZ, Rabon JM, Farrell MK, Banaitis DA, Rutt RA. Predicting Falls in Two Populations of Older Adults. Platform presentation at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 2004.

Smith KL, Banaitis DA, Rutt RR. Orthopeaedic Training: A Survey of the Perspective of Graduates from Programs in the USA. International federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists, 7th Scientific Conference, Nov. 6-10, 2000.  Poster presentation.

Hendrickson, S., Lyden, S., Banaitis, D. Integration of the Americans with Disabilities Act Into Physical Therapy Programs. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. Fall 1998 (2); 9-15.

Tangeman, PT, Banaitis, D.A., Williams, A.K. Rehabilitation of Chronic Stroke Patients: Changes in Functional Performance. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1990 (71); 876-880.


Co-Instructor - NeuroDevelopmental Treatment of Adult Hemiplegia (Bobath Method) Certification Courses:

  • Jan. 2-13, Aug. 5-10, 2001, Texas Woman's University, Dallas
  • Jan. 3-14, Aug., 4-9, 2000,Texas Woman's University, Dallas
  • Jan. 1-15, Aug. 2-7, 1999, Texas Woman's University, Dallas
  • Jan. 5 -16, Aug. 1-6, 1998, Texas Women's University, Dallas

"An Introduction to the Neurodevelopmental Treatment of Adult Hemiplegia for Physical Therapist Assistants", Forest Grove, Ore., Nov. 7-8, 1997.

"An Introduction to the NDT (Bobath) Approach to Adult Hemiplegia", St. Elizabeth's Hosp., Toronto, Canada, June 16-20, 1996.

"An Introduction to the NDT (Bobath) Approach to Adult Hemiplegia."  Newport, Ore., April 30-May 1, 1994.

"Treatment of the Geriatric Patient" given in conjunction with Ann Williams, Ph.D., Pendleton, Ore., Oct. 20 & 21, 1991.

"Functional Changes Following Rehabilitation of Chronic Stroke Patients." World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 11th International Congress, London, July 29-Aug. 2, 1991.

"Strategies for the Treatment of the Stroke Patient." Brain Injury Update '90, University of Washington, Seattle, Nov.r 9-10, 1990.