Areas I Teach
Christine A. Macfarlane, PhD, is a professor and director of the special education program in the College of Education at Pacific University. Since arriving in August 2000, Chris developed and implemented the Alternative Pathways to Teaching — Special Education (APT-SPED). Previous faculty appointments include 9 1/2 years at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where she coordinated the mental disabilities program and Utah State University. She received her master's degree (1982) and doctorate (1990) from Utah State University. Her public school teaching experience includes working with both regular education students and students with developmental disabilities. At the university level, Dr. Macfarlane has been extensively involved in developing innovative ways to utilize technology in the classroom and reach distant learners. Her research and writing interests include functional analysis and nonaversive behavioral interventions, assessment and data-based decision making, and severe disabilities. A highlight of her career was the opportunity to provide technical assistance to special education faculty at Commenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, following the "velvet revolution." Chris recently returned to Slovakia to conduct follow-up research while on sabbatical.
PhD and MS, Utah State University
BAE, Wayne State College