Learning Opportunities

Community Education

The Pacific University College of Education is home to the Early Learning Community, a preschool and early elementary school open to the public. Classes are taught by master teachers, who also provide a demonstration site where Pacific students can learn to be exceptional classroom leaders in the future. For admission information, contact the Early Learning Community.

Pacific University welcomes the diversity of age and experience that older students bring to the community. Anyone 55 or older may audit one traditional undergraduate class per semester without a tuition charge, on a space available basis. All others may pay a per-credit fee to audit classes. No credit is given for audited courses. To learn more about auditing courses, contact the Registrar at 503-352-2793.


Community members may visit the Pacific University Libraries for access to computers, databases and material checkout.

Computers are available to community members for up to one hour at a time. Users can access and use the Internet, software such as Microsoft Office, and all of the electronic journals and databases available through the Libraries.

Community members who have library cards through the Washington County Collaborative Library Service also can obtain a six-month library card from Pacific. Account set-up requires the completion of a form with confirmation from WCCLS that the user’s account is in good standing. The temporary library card will allow community members to check out books, DVDs and other library materials.

Workshops & More

Various departments at Pacific University often host camps and workshops for youth and others in the community. Find information about sports camps at goboxers.com, as well as information about other camps or workshops in our university events.