Office of Accessibility & Accommodations



Disability services at Pacific University are coordinated by the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations (OAA). You may visit our Getting Started page to get registered with our office or contact for assistance.

OAA coordinates educational accommodations for students with a documented disability or condition that may limit their activities and/or academic achievements. Disabilities may be physical or learning related, and may be permanent or temporary.

OAA serves Pacific University students of all academic levels on all Pacific University campuses. 

To help them succeed, Pacific University welcomes students to be forthcoming about their status and needs at any time. Visit our Getting Started page for more information.

OAA Zoom Drop In Hours

OAA is now offering drop-in support hours. Our student workers will be managing Zoom drop-in hours at the following times:

Mondays 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.

Thursdays 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Please note that drop-in hours will not be operational during final exam season.

We are excited to provide this additional resource. This is a great opportunity for those seeking information on getting registered, exam booking and uploads, peer notetaker uploads and access, and other inquiries. Please let us know if you have any questions!


Text-to-Speech in Moodle LockDown Browser

Text-to-Speech in ExamSoft

Text-to-Speech tools for general use

Center for Learning & Student Success (CLASS Peer Tutoring)

Accessibility Tools

For Students


Requesting Accommodations

Booking Exams in Accommodate

Important: If your exam accommodations include an exam reader, scribe, or other testing accommodations that may require additional preparatory time, please note this in the request to OAA and your professor so that we are able to obtain the necessary items prior to your scheduled exam.

If you have a "memory aid" accommodation: Before each exam, make an appointment with your Professor to discuss what you believe your memory aid should look like and how they prefer to approve it for OAA. All memory aids must be pre-approved by your professor before OAA will allow their use during an assessment.

For Faculty


Viewing Accommodation Notices & Adding Exams in Accommodate

Additional Faculty Information

Please note: OAA does not have any access to control exam time limits set in Moodle/ExamSoft/Other platforms. Only course professors and/or program staff have the ability to do that.

Contact Us

Office of Accessibility & Accommodations | Clark Hall 226