Areas I Teach
Course Information
At Pacific University, all faculty teach a variety of different courses. Typically, we do not use graduate teaching assistants, which means that your classes will be taught by professors and that you will have plenty of opportunities to get to know the faculty in your discipline. Below I have listed some of the courses that I teach. We are always developing and trying out new classes, so the list may change now and then.
MATH 165 | Topics in Modern Mathematics
MATH 240 | Discrete Mathematics
MATH 227 | Calculus II
MATH 410 | Discrete Topics (Graph Theory)
MATH 402 | Abstract algebra
MATH 360 | Algebraic topics (rings, fields, posets, groups, codes, matroids)
MATH 440 | Coding theory
MATH 440 | Algebraic structures
MATH 385 | Junior seminar
MATH 316 | Mathematical probability and statistics
MATH 311 | Differential equations
MATH 405 | Real analysis
MATH 410 | Discrete topics
MATH 490 | Senior capstone
MATH 316 | Statistics
MATH 360 | Graph theory and matroids
MATH 306 | Linear algebra
MATH 226, 227, 228 | Calculus, vector calculus, and pre-calculus
Linear optimization and business calculus
Freshman seminar
Gender and science
PhD in Mathematics with a minor in Business and Law, University of Wisconsin, Advisor: Richard A. Brualdi
Master of Arts in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin
BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) double major in Actuarial Science/Risk Management and Insurance, University of Wisconsin
African Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Cameroon Advisory Council Statutory Member
Mathematical Education of Teachers as an Application of Mathematics (META Math) co-PI
International Mathematics Union Comm. for Developing Countries and CWM grant
Co-Director of the Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM)
Fulbright Award - Grant to Cameroon
Fulbright Award - Grant to Colombia
Fulbright Minds Panel – Building the Pipeline of Girls and Women in Stem — November 2015
NSF-CURM -- Grant supporting undergraduate research
Pacific University Faculty Achievement Award
Fulbright Award – multi-country grant to Tanzania and Ghana
Visiting Mathematician – to serve at the national offices of the MAA
AIMS and NEI – invited to teach eight graduate classes through the Next Enstein Initiative at the African Institute for Mathematical Studies
Fulbright Award – grant to South Africa
Fulbright Specialist – awarded a place on the Fulbright Specialist Roster
Chair, Pacific Northwest MAA Section
Board of Editors of the College Math Journal
MAA PNW Distinguished Teaching Award
Berglund Fellow — Berglund Institute for Internet Studies
Program Director — Dolciani Mathematics Enrichment Grants
Associate Director of PNW NExT
MAA Committee on Sessions of Contributed Papers
MAA Council on Outreach Programs
Mistress of Ceremonies at MathFest Opening Banquet
MAA Board of Governors — 2006-2009
Project NExT Fellow (Silver Dot)
Project NExT Consultant (Sterling, Gold2014) and Mentor (Sepia, Blue2010, Peach2011, Brown2013)
Undergraduate Projects
Graph Products, Coloring, and Rook Polynomials with Esbeida, Emy, Ian, Crystal, Victoria
Fixing Numbers of Graphs with Brenna, Áuli'i
Near fields and near vector space spaces with James, Josh, Lahela
DeBruijn sequences and Kautz graphs with Daniel, Josh
Matroid Theory and Finite Groups with Jeremy
Small World Networks and Dynamical Systems with Bethany, Chris, Stephanie
Mathematical Finance with Kris
Block Designs, Finite Geometries, and Matroids with Meagan, Summer, Jesse
Optimization, Heuristics, and Genetic Algorithms with Jacob, Tim
List Coloring and Rook Polynomials with Brittany
Comparing Language and Mathematics Development in Adolecents with Krysta
Optimization and Network Flows with Brandon
Cops and Robbers on Lattices and Networks with Lana
Distinguishing Numbers of Graphs with Cody
Enumeration of Bases of Bicircular Matroids with Andrew
Actuarial Science and Black-Scholes with Kaci
Published Works
Augustin Banyaga, Wilfrid Gangbo, Florian Luca, Nancy Ann Neudauer, Carol Shubin, Cédric Villani, and Michel Waldschmidt. Snapshots of mathematics in Sub-Saharan Africa. Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 65(7):798–808, 2018. Edited by Allyn Jackson and Shubin.
Erin McNicholas, Nancy Ann Neudauer, and Colin Starr. Matroids. In A primer for undergraduate research, Found. Undergrad. Res. Math., pages 127–144. Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2017.
N.A. Neudauer and D. Slilaty. Bounding and stabilizing realizations of biased graphs with a fixed group. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 122, 2017.
L. Goddyn, W. Hochstättler, and N.A. Neudauer. Bicircular Matroids are 3-chromatic, Discrete Mathematics, 339, 2016.
G. Gordon, J. McNulty and N.A. Neudauer. Fixing Number for Matroids, Graphs and Combinatorics, 32, 2016.
Diefenderfer, C., Hill, D., Axler, S., Neudauer, N., and Strong, D. 2015. Linear Algebra. In 2015 Council on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) Guide to Majors in the Mathematical Sciences, 2015.
J. Caughman, C. Dunn, J. Laison, N.A. Neudauer, and C. Starr. Minimal representations of rectangle visibility graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8871, 2014.
J. LeCrone* and N.A. Neudauer. Matroids on Groups? The College Mathematics Journal, 45, 2014. (*student author)
T. Lewis*, J. McNulty, N.A. Neudauer, T.J. Reid, and L. Sheppardson. Bicircular Matroid Designs. Ars Combinatorica, 110, 2013. (*student author)
N.A. Neudauer. Directed Reading: A strategy for teaching students to read mathematics. Interface, 13, 2013.
J.S. Caughman, C.L. Dunn, N.A. Neudauer, and C.L. Starr. Higher Dimensional Lattice Chains and Delannoy Paths, Discrete Mathematics, 311(16):1803-1812, 2011.
D.L. Neel and N.A. Neudauer. Matroids You Have Known. Mathematics Magazine, 82, 2009.
J. McNulty and N.A. Neudauer. On Cocircuit Covers of Bicircular Matroids. Discrete Mathematics, 308(17):4008-4013, 2008.
N.A. Neudauer and B. Stevens. Enumeration of the Bases of the Bicircular Matroid on a Complete Bipartite Graph. Ars Combinatorica, 66:165-178, 2003.
N.A. Neudauer, et al.* Stitching Integrated Circuit Images. Sixth PIMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop Report, 2003. (*student authors)
N.A. Neudauer. Graph Representations of a Bicircular Matroid. Discrete Applied Mathematics 118:249-262, 2002.
B. Corbett*, G. Dresden, N.A. Neudauer, and M. Paulhus. The Disk Layout Problem. Fifth PIMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop Report, 2002. (*student author)
N.A. Neudauer, A.M. Meyers*, and B. Stevens. Enumeration of the bases of the bicircular matroid on a complete graph. Congressus Numerantium, 149:109-127, 2001. (*student author)
R.A. Brualdi and N.A. Neudauer. The Minimal Presentations of a Bicircular Matroid. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (2), 48:17-26, 1997.
D.L. Pfaffle, D.C. Goldman, S. Jiang, N.A. Neudauer, M. Rowell, W.H. Fleming. Heterogeneity in the proliferative history and half-life of vascular endothelium, in preparation.
M.J. Mishna, N.A. Neudauer, and B. Stevens. Enumeration and Structure of Bases in Bicircular Matroids, in preparation.
J.S. Caughman, C.L. Dunn, J. Laison, N.A. Neudauer, and C.L. Starr. On Rectangle Visibility Graphs, in preparation.
Recent Plenary and Invited Talks
Workshop on “The Mathematical Education of Teachers as an Application of Undergraduate Mathematics,” MathFest, National MAA meeting, Denver, August, 2018.
Seminar Series (six two-hour seminars) on on “Undergraduate Research in Mathematics,” Universidad Antonio Narino, Bogota, June, 2018.
Seminars: Models of Undergraduate Research; Getting Started and Keeping it Going; Effective Collaboration; Finding Good Problems; Presentations, Publications, and Professional Development; Undergraduate Research in a Class.
Seminar Series (six two-hour seminars) on on “The Mathematical Education of Teachers as an Application of Undergraduate Mathematics,” Universidad Antonio Narino, Bogota, June, 2018.
Seminars: Overview: META Math; The Mathematical Education of Teachers throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum; Changing the Culture of Educating Future Teachers; META Lesson Development; Research; Assessment and Cognitive Interviews
“Fixing Numbers of Graphs and Matroids,” FernUniversität Mathematischen Kolloquium, Hagen, Germany, August 2018.
“The Mathematical Education of Teachers as an Application of Undergraduate Mathematics,” Colloquium Address broadcast throughout the Spanish-speaking world, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Bogotá, June, 2018.
“Minimum area of rectangle visibility graphs,” International Workshop on Structure in Graphs and Matroids, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 2016.
"Matroids: Taking mathematics from the abstract to the concrete," Universite de Yaoundé l Séminaire de Mathématiques, Yaounde, Cameroon, January 2016
Some bounds on rectangle visibility graphs,” FernUniversität Mathematischen Kolloquium, Hagen, Germany, April 2015.
Plenary panel talk on “Mathematics in partnership: Examples of interdisciplinary teaching,” National Project NExT meeting, San Antonio, January, 2015.
“Comparing matroids on graphs,” St Mary’s College of Maryland research seminar, St Mary’s, October 2014.
“Investigations of enumeration in matroids,” Lafayette College colloquium address, Easton, September 2014.
Plenary panel talk on “The Faculty Member as a Teacher and Scholar,” National Project NExT meeting, Portland, August 2014.
“Basis enumeration in matroids on graphs,” Portland State University Discrete Math seminar, Portland, May 2014.
“What is a Matroid? Investigations of asymptotic enumeration in matroids,” Willamette University colloquium address, Salem, October 2013.
“Rectangle Visibility Graphs: preliminary results,” Coast Combinatorics Conference, University of Victoria, Kona, February 2013.
“The Cycle Matroid takes on the Bicircular Matroid: who will win?,” Coast Combinatorics Conference, University of Victoria, February 2011.
Invited Organizer of 2-day Short Course entitled “Matroids: Theory and Applications, from the ground up,” AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meeting, New Orleans, January 2011.
Keynote Speaker at Math Day, “Mathematical Modeling: Using mathematics to speed up your computer,” University of Montana, October 2010.
“Maker-Breaker Games on Bicircular Matroids,” University of Montana undergraduate matroid research group, October 2010.
“Two Matroids on Graphs: How do they compare?,” University of Montana colloquium address, October 2010.
Invited Organizer of Plenary Invited Paper Session entitled “Matroids You Have Known,” MathFest MAA national meeting, Portland, August 2009.
“Enumeration opens the door: revealing the structure of the graph by counting bases of two matroids,” AMS Special Session on Algorithmic Probability and Combinatorics, University of British Columbia, October 2008.
“Representations of Bicircular Matroids” Carleton University graduate colloquium address, Ottawa, October 2007.
“Bicircular Matroids” University of Katowice graduate seminar, Katowice, Poland, October 2007.
“The quest for independence and the story of the matroid,” Willamette University colloquium address, Salem, March 2007.
“An introduction to the bicircular matroid and its graphs,” University of Victoria Combinatorial Algorithms Group seminar, Victoria, January 2007.
“A bicircular matroid and its graphs,” University of Cologne graduate seminar, Cologne, Germany, December 2006.
In Print
“A Note from the Chair: Ideas for Activities at our Meetings,” Pacific NorthWest MAA Newsletter, November 2016.
“A Note from the Chair: A strong history, A promising future,” Pacific NorthWest MAA Newsletter, November 2015.
“Visiting Mathematician Reaches Out” Focus article, December/January 2015.
“Four Years of Enrichment Grants and Counting . . .” Focus article, December/January 2014.
“Matroids: Theory and Applications, from the ground up,” Focus, October/November 2010.
“Announcing the MAA’s first Dolciani Mathematics Enrichment Grants,” Focus article, September 2010.
Contributor to Problem Section of Math Horizons, a journal for undergraduates, September 2008.
Recent Workshops
“Conducting Academic-year Undergraduate Research Workshop” (with co-PI) for The Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics grantees, Salt Lake City, June, 2018.
“Research Reboot in Discrete Mathematics Workshop,” Salt Lake City, June, 2018.
“Module Writers Workshop” (with co-PIs) for The Mathematical Education of Teachers as an Application of Undergraduate Mathematics, Denver, November, 2017.
“International Workshop on Structure in Graphs and Matroids,” University of Waterloo, Canada, July 2017.
“MATCH-UP” Microsoft Research, Cambridge, April 2017.
“Coast Combinatorics Conference” University of Victoria, Kona, February 2017.
Workshop on Structure in Graphs and Matroids, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, July 2016.
"NSF-Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Conference" Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, April 2016.
"Coast Combinatorics Conference" Simon Fraser University, Canada, March 2016.
"NSF-Center Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Faculty Workshop" Salt Lake City, May 2015.
“Coast Combinatorics Conference” University of Victoria, Kona, February 2015.
“AMS Committee on Education workshop” Washington, DC, October 2014.
“Coast Combinatorics Conference” University of Victoria, Kona, February 2013.
“Third Workshop on Graphs and Matroids” Maastrict University, The Netherlands, August 2012.
“Matroid Theory Special Session” at the American Mathematical Society (AMS) meeting, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., March 2012.
“Outreach Poster Session,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, January 2012.
“Coast Combinatorics Conference” University of Victoria, Canada, February 2011.
“Matroid Theory Special Session,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, January 2011.
“Outreach Poster Session,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, January 2011.
“Matroid Theory Special Session,” American Mathematical Society meeting, University of Kentucky, March 2010.
“Prairie Discrete Mathematics Workshop” University of British Columbia — Kelowna, Canada, August 2009.
“Coast Combinatorics Conference” University of Victoria, Canada, February 2009.
“Coast Combinatorics Conference” University of Victoria, Canada, February 2007.
“Matroid Theory Special Session,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, January 2007.
“Matroid Structure Workshop” participant and invited speaker, University of Montana, November 2006.
Recent Sessions and Conferences organized
Combinatorial Potlach: University of Victoria, November 2017; Simon Fraser University, November 2018.
Organizer of “Conference and Workshop for African Women in Discrete Mathematics and its Applications,” African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) South Africa. Muizenberg, January 2018.
Organizer of Session entitled “Keeping Your Research Alive,” Pacific Northwest NExT workshop, Gonzaga University, June 2017.
Program Chair and conference organizer, Combinatorial Potlatch, University of Puget Sound, February 2002; University of Victoria, November 2002 and November 2003; Simon Fraser University, November 2004; Seattle University, November 2005; Portland State University, November 2006; University of Victoria, September 2007; University of Puget Sound, November 2008; Simon Fraser University, November 2009; Western Washington University, December 2010; Seattle University, November 2011; Simon Fraser University, November 2012; University of Victoria, November 2013; Western Washington University, November 2014; University of British Columbia, November 2015; Seattle University, November 2016; University of Victoria, November 2017; Simon Fraser University, November 2018.
Gave Welcome to the national conference and introduction of plenary speaker, Keith Devlin, NPR’s “Math Guy,” MathFest national MAA meeting, Portland, August 2014.
Organizer of Panel entitled “Outreach in mathematics: Feeding the pipeline,” Pacific Northwest MAA meeting, University of Montana, June 2014.
Organizer of Special Session entitled “Alternative Courses to College Algebra,” with Ann Cary (Portland Community College), Pacific Northwest NExT workshop, University of Montana, June 2014.
Organizer of Special Session entitled “Research and Pedagogical Trends in Discrete Mathematics,” with Mark Kayll and Jenny McNulty (University of Montana), Pacific Northwest MAA meeting, University of Montana, June 2014.
Organizer of Special Session entitled “Teaching Classes Outside Mathematics,” Pacific Northwest NExT workshop, Willamette University, April 2013.
Organizer of the General Contributed Paper Sessions (149 talks), MathFest national meeting, University of Wisconsin, August 2012.
Organizer of Special Session entitled “Directed Reading, New Technologies, and Other Strategies for Increasing Student Engagement,” Pacific Northwest NExT workshop, University of Portland, April 2012.
Panelist in Special Session entitled “Reaching Out to the Local Middle School ,” Pacific Northwest MAA meeting, University of Portland, April 2012.
Organizer of Special Session entitled “A Conversation on Mathematics Outreach,” Pacific Northwest NExT workshop, Seattle University, April 2010.
Organizer of Special Session entitled “The Role of Technology in the Teaching of Mathematics,” Pacific Northwest NExT workshop, Central Washington University, April 2009.
Organizer of Contributed Paper Session entitled “Fascinating Examples from Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics, and Graph Theory,” MathFest MAA national meeting, Madison, August 2008.
Visiting Scholar
Interdisciplinary Research in the Mathematical and Computer Sciences (IRMACS) institute
Simon Fraser University
Carleton University
University of Silesia
University of Victoria
Research Associate
Oregon Health Sciences University