News, Media and Stories | Outdoor Pursuits

A snowboarder navigates down a snow-covered hill.
Ski into spring and snowboard down the slopes with Outdoor Pursuits! With plenty of outdoor activities lined up this semester, students are bound to find something that they love! 
A bridge stretches across a river at a local nature reserve.
As students wrap up classes mid-December with finals week, Outdoor Pursuits staff has been busy planning the next semester, chock-full of exciting and adventurous outdoor excursions! Check out the Spring 2022 lineup. In the meantime, get a free bike for the day or rent outdoor gear for a long weekend! 
A student's hand grabs onto a handhold at an indoor rock gym.
Learn how you can get involved with Outdoor Pursuits, including renting gear from Outdoor Pursuits for a long weekend, borrowing a free cruiser bike to ride around town, or even simply going for a hike at the local Henry Hagg Lake!
Mushrooms poke through the grass alongside a trail.
As the semester trundles on toward finals week, Outdoor Pursuits wants to remind the Pacific community to take breaks and utilize opportunities to get outside and get moving! There are plenty of ways students can do this including renting gear from Outdoor Pursuits for a long weekend, borrowing a free cruiser bike to ride around town, or even simply taking a walk outside!
A student's hand grabs onto a handhold at an indoor rock gym.
Even though it may be gray and rainy outside, Outdoor Pursuits encourages the Pacific University community to sign up and participate in one of the last outdoor events of the semester! Consider joining an indoor rock climbing trip, a greenland paddle-building day, or even customize your own trip! 
A student's hand holds an Outdoor Pursuits Open Paths sticker up to the sunlight.
Beginning November 2021, Outdoor Pursuits is hiring for various positions, including Voyage leaders, coordinators, and multiple staff openings!
A student carves out a piece of wood building a Greenland paddle.
While students gorge themselves on sweet treats such as caramel apples and pumpkin pie over the spooky Halloween weekend, Outdoor Pursuits also has a few sweet treats lined up in the weeks before Thanksgiving! Indoor rock climbing, greenland paddle building, and a create-your-own day trip are just some of the activities awaiting students. 
Mushrooms poke through the grass alongside a trail.
As the temperatures drop, Outdoor Pursuits is ready and waiting for eager participants to join in outdoor and indoor adventuring! In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving break, there are several opportunities to be engaged with activities including two indoor rock climbing trips, an indoor kayaking pool session, and a create-your-own adventure!
A climber scales a wall at an indoor climbing gym
As students reach the midway point in the semester and begin to feel some of that post-summer drag, Outdoor Pursuits is ready to make weekends and evenings in the outdoors memorable! Join OP staff for a variety of day trips and adventures, and relish the opportunity to be outside with new friends! 
It's fall about good times and great adventures with Outdoor Pursuits! In addition to awesome trips such as the Hiking Day Trip, Indoor Rock Climbing, and Whitewater Rafting Day trip, Outdoor Pursuits is seeking well-rounded, independent individuals to fill the positions of Voyage Coordinator (two spaces available). Come join these October events as either a participant or a staff member!
