Air Filtration and Small Appliance Policy


Staff, students and faculty who may wish to supplement office equipment with the use of small appliances are responsible for the purchase, maintenance, and safety of such appliances in their spaces.

The use of air purifiers for space in Pacific University campuses and their efficiency depends on the size of the area they are trying to condition and the power available in the room/building. The University will not purchase air purifiers nor will the University Facilities department maintain the appliance or their filters. It is the sole responsibility of the owner.

Members of the university community should contact Facilities before using these or any other small appliances on campus.

PUNID Required to review policy.

Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2020

Business Conduct Policy


Committed to the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior, employees are expected to report known or suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct. Employees reporting known or suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct in good faith must feel safe and protected from retaliation. Employees found to have been making frivolous claims under this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. The purpose of this policy statement is to provide a formal protocol for communication among relevant parties.

Pacific University will investigate any possible fraudulent or dishonest conduct, including misuse of University resources or property by faculty, staff or students. Anyone found to have engaged in fraudulent or dishonest conduct is subject to disciplinary action by the University up to and including dismissal or expulsion, and civil or criminal prosecution when warranted.

All members of the University community are encouraged to report possible fraudulent or dishonest conduct. An employee should report his or her concerns to their manager. Managers are required to report suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct to the Vice President of Finance and Administration. If for any reason an employee finds it difficult to report his or her concern to a manager, the employee can report it directly to the Vice President of Finance and Administration (VPFA), the Director of Human Resources, or the University Controller/Assistant VPFA.

Fraudulent or dishonest conduct may include criminal acts, subject to prosecution under the law. The university must safeguard its assets and reputation and protect its funds from theft and misappropriation. This policy provides information on the proper procedures that should be followed to report known or suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct. These procedures have been developed to achieve confidentiality and consistency. In addition, this policy establishes a central collection point for reporting all known or suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct so that financial and system controls can be thoroughly and consistently reviewed, evaluated and modified in order to prevent similar irregularities in the future.

See policy for more information. 

Contact Information

Office of the President, 503-352-2123,

Finance and Administration, 503-352-2258

Human Resources,

Friday, May 17, 2013

Energy Management Policy


Pacific University’s energy management policy is designed to establish an understanding and support for sustainability and energy conservation in our local community and the world around us. 

Pacific University will regularly review energy consumption and implement methods to improve overall energy management and lower energy consumption. The Energy Management Team will recommend targets to university leadership.

PUNetID required to view policy document.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Faculty and Staff Tuition Assistance Policy


This policy describes the tuition assistance available to benefit eligible employees for graduate/professional programs at Pacific University.

For selected Pacific programs of study that are not already covered by the University employee tuition remission policy, and that are designed for working professionals, such as those with hybrid or distance- based curricula and/or a part time schedule, benefit eligible employees may receive tuition assistance not to exceed the value set annually by the IRS per calendar year as tax exempt, toward their Pacific degree program. Tuition charges and applicable fees in excess of the IRS approved amount will be the financial responsibility of the employee. Employees must be admitted and matriculated into a degree or certificate program to receive this benefit, and must maintain the program standard for academic good standing. Failure to maintain sufficient academic standards will result in a loss of this benefit.

For each new cohort (class) the Colleges may accept eligible and qualified employees as students in each degree or certificate program on a space available basis. Note that each program maintains ultimate decision-making authority on admissions decisions per program policies, procedures. Once an employee is accepted into the program, the tuition assistance will continue until the employee graduates as long as academic good standing is continuously maintained.


  • Employees must be in good standing
  • Employees must have been employed at Pacific for at least one year
  • Employees must be benefit eligible
  • Employees must be admitted to the program BEFORE they can apply for the assistance

Please see full policy for eligible programs. 

PUNID required to view policy. 

Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2021

Finance and Administration Records Retention Policy

POL - FA4003

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that necessary records and documents are adequately protected and maintained and to ensure that records that are no longer needed or of no value are discarded at the appropriate time. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Gifts, Awards, and Prizes Policy


This policy is intended to clarify the University’s expectations and requirements regarding purchasing gifts, gift cards, awards, and prizes utilizing university and student funds.  In addition, this policy outlines when gifts, gift cards, awards, and prizes may be appropriate, the proper procedure for submitting recipient information, the corresponding tax treatment, and to help prevent any potential fraud or misuse of university resources. 

This policy applies to all Pacific University employees, students, and non-employees associated with the University.

The policy is approved as of 3/1/22 but will have a grace period for potential consequences or sanctions for violation of the policy until 7/1/22. 

PUNID Required to view policy. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Healthcare Billing and Coding - Auditing and Monitoring


Pacific University Healthcare Clinic workforce members are committed to quality, honesty and integrity in our handling of billing and coding activities within the healthcare clinics.  We are committed to operate within the laws, rules, regulations, and policies set by the federal and state governments, insurance programs and Medicare/Medicaid carriers, fiscal intermediaries, and others.

There will be both internal and external (i.e. by a contracted independent consultant, or other professional and/or government or regulatory agencies) auditing of proper coding, chart documentation, billing, and data integrity.

Policy last updated in April 2024.
PUNID required for viewing policy.

Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018

Healthcare Billing and Coding - Complaint/Grievance Policy


Pacific University Healthcare Clinic workforce members are committed to quality, honesty and integrity in our handling of billing and coding activities within the healthcare clinics.  We are committed to operate within the laws, rules, regulations, and policies  set  by  the  federal  and  state  governments,  insurance  programs  and Medicare/Medicaid carriers, fiscal intermediaries, and others.

Each clinic will be responsible to inform patients and workforce members of their rights with regard to the billing and coding grievance policy. A grievance must be received in written form. If a billing or coding grievance comes to the clinic and can’t be resolved at the clinic level, the clinic must notify the Compliance Officer within 3 business days, documenting the date the grievance was received, the written grievance, a brief statement of the facts alleged, and any documentation that applies to the disputed item(s). Pacific University Healthcare Clinics will commit to maintain a direct channel of communication and mediation between compliance officer, individual patients, patient’s representative, or advocate to resolve any concerns in a positive and timely manner.

Policy last updated in April 2024.
PUNID required for viewing policy.

Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018

Healthcare Billing and Coding Education and Training


Pacific University Healthcare Clinic workforce members are committed to quality, honesty and integrity in our handling of billing and coding activities within the healthcare clinics.  We are committed to operate within the laws, rules, regulations, and policies set by the federal and state governments, insurance programs and Medicare/Medicaid carriers, fiscal intermediaries, and others.

The University requires full compliance with all relevant health care billing and coding regulations. All billing and coding workforce members are required to have a strong knowledge of, and to stay current with, applicable laws and regulations as well as University policies and procedures relevant to their areas of responsibility.

Policy last updated in April 2024.
PUNID Required to view policy.

Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018

Healthcare Billing and Compliance Standards


Pacific University Healthcare Clinic workforce members are committed to quality, honesty and integrity in our handling of billing and coding activities within the healthcare clinics.  We are committed to operate within the laws, rules, regulations, and policies set by the federal and state governments, insurance programs and Medicare/Medicaid carriers, fiscal intermediaries, and others.

All clinical billing and coding will be done in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.  Pacific University follows the standards set forth by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) to identify areas of billing and coding at risk for non-compliance.  Pacific University workforce members will ensure their billing and coding is compliant with these standards.

Policy last updated in April 2024.
PUNID required to view policy.

Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018

Identification Cards

POL - U1025

Identification (ID) cards (Boxer Cards) are issued to Pacific University employees. An ID card may be required for admission to or participation in University programs.

The University ID card also serves as a library card. ID cards are issued by Campus Public Safety.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Identity Theft Prevention Policy and Red Flag Guidelines


Pacific University developed this Identity Theft Prevention Policy pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission’s Red Flags Rule, which implements Section 114 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction (FACT) Act of 2003. The purpose is to establish an Identity Theft Prevention Policy designed to detect, prevent and mitigate identity theft in connection with the opening of a covered account or an existing covered account and to provide for continued administration of the policy.

This protection policy applies to students, employees, board members, contractors, consultants, temporary workers, and other workers at the University, service providers, including all personnel affiliated with third parties.

Pacific University shall include policies and procedures to:

  1. Identify relevant red flags to ensure the detection of possible risk of identity theft to customers and incorporate those red flags into the policy;
  2. Detect red flags that have been incorporated into the policy;
  3. Respond appropriately to any red flags that are detected to prevent and mitigate identity theft; and
  4. Ensure the policy is updated periodically to reflect changes in risks to customers and to the safety and soundness of the creditor from identity theft

Administration of the policy is with the Vice President of Finance and Administration in development, implementation and oversight. This includes ongoing staff training and oversight of service provider arrangements to ensure compliance.

PUNID required to see full policy document. 

Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020

Parking Policy

POL U-1027

Faculty, staff and students are expected to comply with campus parking rules and regulations. Parking permits and a copy of current parking regulations may be obtained from the Office of Campus Public Safety.

Parking Assessment Memo

Friday, June 1, 2018

Styrofoam Purchase Policy


Based on the facts that Styrofoam (or expanded polystyrene) is petroleum based, (which is a nonrenewable resource and a significant emitter of greenhouse gases), non-biodegradable, a top contributor to hazardous waste, and releases toxic chemicals styrene and benzene when exposed to hot, acidic, alcoholic, or oily substances, this policy bans the further purchase of Styrofoam for Pacific University affiliated programs.

Styrofoam foam food service containers shall not be sold, used, provided, or offered for use at any Pacific University authorized concession, university sponsored event, or university program. Pacific will transition to using PCW (post-consumer waste) materials for its single use foodware needs. Pacific is allowed a phase-in period to use up the remaining stock of Styrofoam containers, until July 1, 2021, at which point an alternative material must be used.

PUNID Required to view policy document.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Thefts and Damage

POL - U1023

All thefts or damage to University property and all other thefts, which come to the attention of the University employees, are to be reported promptly to Campus Public Safety.

A form for such reports is available in the Office of Campus Public Safety.

Friday, June 1, 2018

University Travel Policy


In recognition of the important work that Pacific University employees conduct at conferences, presentations, site visits, development trips, and more, the University Travel Policy provides a way to ensure cost effectiveness and accountability while upholding Pacific University’s mission.

This policy has been created to govern spending on travel and expenses related directly to business travel for Pacific University, in compliance with IRS regulations. The University will reimburse individuals for reasonable, necessary, appropriate and approved travel and business expenses incurred in the performance of University business.

All employees must receive approval from their supervisor before traveling to conferences, workshops, and other off-campus events. Documentation showing this approval may differ for some areas and employees should consult their supervisor. If an area does not have a current system in place employees may utilize a Travel Authorization Form (TAF). For travel to other campuses, prior approval is not necessary.

Prior approval must be documented prior to arranging any travel. The University may not reimburse travel plans made without prior approval from the employee’s supervisor. A purchase order is not required for travel expenses.

In adherence with IRS guidelines, when the employee returns from their travel, they are required to submit a Travel Expense Report to the Business Office with the proper documentation and approval paperwork, within 30 days. The 30-day rule is necessary to allow for processing, and given the IRS may now consider later-filed reimbursements as taxable income to the employee and subject to income and withholding taxes, employees are asked to adhere to this deadline. However, fiscal year-end deadlines set by the Business Office may impact this 30-day requirement and forms may be required to be submitted in less than 30 days.

*Note - Policy document was updated on 2/1/19 to clarify procedures related to obtaining travel insurance.

Travel Authorization Form - June 2019

Travel Expense Report & Reconciliation Form - June 2019

Travel Insurance Information, updated 2/1/19  (for questions related to university insurance, contact the executive assistant to the VP of Finance)

PUNet ID required for review of documents.

Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018