Jaya Bhojwani, PhD

Jaya Bhojwani, PhD

Staff Psychologist
UC Box 
Student Counseling Center

Jaya obtained her doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology at Purdue University. Jaya has worked in various settings, such as university counseling, community mental health, and outpatient/inpatient centers. As a proud Desi-immigrant woman from the Caribbean, Jaya incorporates an intersectional approach to therapy, viewing healing as a holistic and systemic process that requires attending to the wellness of the person and the systems within which they operate. She incorporates techniques from interpersonal and multicultural therapy through a systemic framework. Her clinical interests include working with international students and supporting diverse students around dual-identity, intergenerational trauma, and cultural stressors. She also has an interest in working with mood disorders, adjustment issues, and interpersonal/relational concerns. Jaya is passionate about supporting students in a multitude of ways including prevention intervention, systemic outreach, and supervision and training. When not working, Jaya enjoys hiking, spending time with family and friends, and exploring fun food places in the city.