The Next Supervisor Seminar Series Webinar Coming Soon

Canopy, our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider, will be presenting a their third live, VIRTUAL seminar each quarter for our Pacific University supervisors and managers. The first two seminars in this series were Supervisor Orientation to EAP in March, and Interpersonal Effectiveness in June. This next one will be about Conflict Resolution. 

Topic: Conflict Resolution

Description: A conflict can occur when individuals have mutually exclusive goals and are unwilling to move from their respective positions. This training will identify components required to resolve conflict, including active listening and the ability to articulate one’s position. Using creativity when exploring possible solutions will be discussed as a strategy to successfully resolve conflict.

Date/Time:  8/21 from 12:30 – 1:30pm pst

Location: virtual, Join Zoom Webinar


We hope you will join to learn all about our EAP (Employee Assistance Program) and how it can be leveraged to support your employees and direct reports. Future details for the last seminar series will be forthcoming.



To explore our EAP with Canopy on your own, you can create your account at and access all the benefits our EAP offers.


Monday, July 29, 2024