Mark Your Calendars - School of Pharmacy Will Hold Annual Career and Rotation Fair on November 1st

SOP Career FairWe are excited to announce our Annual Career and Rotation Fair which will be held at the Wingspan Conference and Events Center in Hillsboro on Friday, November 1st starting at 9:00 am!

This event is a wonderful opportunity to come together for networking with pharmacy employers, health systems, community practice sites, current students and alumni to promote and/or explore job opportunities, potential residency/fellowship options, or learn more about and promote opportunities for student experiences (e.g. internships, IPPEs, APPEs).  It is free for all friends of the School of Pharmacy to attend and/or promote your opportunities. All of our current students, including students in both our 3-year and 5-year pathways will be in attendance.  We will also offer opportunities for round-table discussions, as well as offer some preceptor development opportunities.

More information will be available in the coming months, but if you are interested in learning more, recruiting or simply want to be available to discuss potential job opportunities at your institution please reach out toSOP Career Fair

We are able to keep this event free of charge due to the generosity of our event sponsors.  Please connect with Dr. Marketa Marvanova at if you are interested in becoming an event sponsor and she can share with you some of the special Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Level sponsor perks! 

We hope to see you on November 1st!  We will have a virtual networking opportunity available via ZOOM on Thursday, October 31st for those who might not be able to attend the in-person event.


- by Brandon Nuziale, PharmD, RPh, BCACP | Assistant Dean of Student Affairs & Associate Professor | School of Pharmacy

Friday, June 14, 2024