Celebrate Hispanic Latinx Heritage Month with Pacific

This week marks the beginning of National Hispanic Latinx Heritage Month, and Pacific University — in partnership with our Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion — is proud to recognize and honor Pacific’s diverse and dynamic Latinx community.

Celebrated nationwide from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, this month pays tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society. While we join in the celebration of this month, we also seek to recognize, celebrate, include and support our Hispanic and Latinx community members every month.

We invite all members of our community to explore resources and support structures for our Hispanic and Latinx students, including the following:

We’re also proud to highlight the work of students and faculty supporting our larger Hispanic and Latinx communities. For example:

  • Last spring, students studying Spanish and Latinx Studies collaborated with the Portland Art Museum to produce videos around the museum’s Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera and Mexican Modernism exhibit. Watch their presentations.
  • Students and faculty in the School of Graduate Psychology Sabiduría Latina/o psychology emphasis partners with Providence Health & Services to facilitate Charlas Comunitarias sobre el Bienstar y la Salud Emocional. Learn more.

The Student Multicultural Center, in partnership with students, faculty and staff, Portland Community College, and Washington County, will host a series of events focusing on both culture and challenges in the coming weeks.

Watch for more details coming soon on the university calendar, and join us as we especially celebrate the diversity and achievements of the Hispanic and Latinx communities at Pacific and throughout our country this month.

Our best,

Jenny Coyle '90, OD '93, MS '00

Narce Rodriguez
Vice President of Student Affairs and 
Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer

Jean Garcia
Student Multicultural Center Director

Friday, Sept. 16, 2022