2021 Senior Capstone Cawein Gallery Exhibit Tackles the Human Condition
The Kathrin Cawein Gallery of Art is hosting Truths, a virtual exhibit dedicated to displaying a collection of senior capstone projects from spring 2021. This year's participating student artists are Nora Cooper, Kay Knecht, Lior Gevurtz and Nicole Latimer. Combined, the showing represents a variety of artistic expression in different mediums, including digital photography, digital illustration and image-making, painting and animation. The work grapples with facets of the contemporary human condition, including anxiety, isolation and threats to endangered species.
Nora Cooper's project embraces and demonstrates everyday life. With works with titles such as Grief, How many Calories? and Self Care, Cooper aims to demonstrate the duality of our lives.
Lior Gevurtz created a series of artworks designed to feature animals that are classified as endangered, such as Honeybee, Macaw and Whale Shark. Each work has an element incorporated that specifically references why their population is endangered.
Nicole Latimer's project, titled Isolated Innocence, is a visual representation of abnormal emotional, behavioral and psychological changes children are facing as a result of the pandemic. Titled with Roman numerals, such as I, II and III, the series shows both masked and unmasked children.
Kay Knecht created their capstone, Patterns, with the intention of self expression, validation and mutual understanding. The goal of the project is to lead the viewer to introspection or internal reflection of the self, personal views and/or morals.
View the exhibit online at the Cawein Gallery of Art page.