Lisa Szefel Named Full Professor

Lisa Szefel has been promoted to full professor of history in the Pacific University College of Arts & Sciences.

Szefel teaches U.S. intellectual and cultural history. Her scholarship consists of a trilogy that examines the role of writing, thinking, and feeling in sustaining modern democratic culture. She is the author of The Gospel of Beauty in the Progressive Era: Reforming American Verse and Values as well as numerous essays in popular and academic journals. 

She has participated in conferences across the country as well as in Europe and is very active in the Society for U.S. Intellectual History, having served as treasurer and as a judge on various prize committees. 

She is in the process of completing her second book, “THINK or Die'': A Prize to Ezra Pound, Fascism, and the Fate of Democracy, and looks forward to completing a second round of revisions on her memoir for her agent to submit to editors.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021