Computer Science Courses
Pacific University offers several computer science courses, ranging from introductory to advanced. Students who are planning to pursue a computer science major or minor will also take courses outside those listed and many courses are not limited to those pursuing a major or minor.
A full list of courses offered can be found in the online academic catalog.
- CS 122 - Introduction to Digital Media Loading catalog...
- CS 130 - Introduction to Software Tools Loading catalog...
- CS 150 - Introduction to Computer Science I Loading catalog...
- CS 155 - New Topics Loading catalog...
- CS 160 - Introduction to Python and Git Loading catalog...
- CS 200 - Discrete Structures Loading catalog...
- CS 250 - Introduction to Computer Science II Loading catalog...
- CS 255 - New Topics Loading catalog...
- CS 260 - Intro to Java & Android Programming Loading catalog...
- CS 275 - Internship Loading catalog...
- CS 295 - Independent Study Loading catalog...
- CS 300 - Data Structures Loading catalog...
- CS 310 - Theoretical Computer Science Loading catalog...
- CS 315 - Intro to Human Computer Interaction Loading catalog...
- CS 325 - Mobile Development Loading catalog...
- CS 355 - New Topics Loading catalog...
- CS 360 - Special Topics Loading catalog...
- CS 380 - Algorithm Design and Analysis Loading catalog...
- CS 390 - Web Design & Development Loading catalog...
- CS 395 - Independent Study Loading catalog...
- CS 435 - Computer Security Loading catalog...
- CS 445 - Introduction to Database Systems Loading catalog...
- CS 455 - New Topics Loading catalog...
- CS 460 - Operating Systems Loading catalog...
- CS 475 - Internship Loading catalog...
- CS 485 - Advanced Object Oriented Design Loading catalog...
- CS 493W - Software Engineering I Loading catalog...
- CS 494 - Software Engineering II Loading catalog...
- CS 495 - Independent Research Loading catalog...
- CS 498 - Senior Capstone Loading catalog...