Dr. Brian Wilkinson and Colleagues Publish Article on Ergonomics

Dr. Brian Wilkinson, assistant professor in the Physical Therapy Program, and two colleagues from the School of Dental Hygiene Studies, associate professor Katheryn Bell, and director and associate professor Amy Coplen, published an article titled “Ergonomics Reinvigorated: Strategies for using the Core Four to help prevent musculoskeletal disorders” in Dimensions of Dental Hygiene.

According to the article, the Core Four method “Seeks to introduce a corrective activity that reverses the effects of tissues stress specifically experienced by dental hygienists, and is designed for daily performance as part of a structured rest break regimen.”  Dimensions of Dental Hygiene is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal.

The article discusses the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in oral health professionals; identifies the barriers to implementing an effective exercise program designed to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and describes the four elements of the Core Four method.

This self-study course also includes instructional pictures for each element of the Core Four routine and multiple choice questions for continuing education credits for dentists, dental hygienist, and dental assistants.  Physical therapy student Ashlee Baltich ‘19 served as the subject in the instructional pictures.


Wilkinson BW, Bell K, Coplen A. (2019). Ergonomics reinvigorated: strategies for using the Core Four to help prevent musculoskeletal disorders. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene, 17(1):36-39.

Thursday, March 7, 2019