Nov. 7, 2023, is an “off-year” election in the U. S. Off-year refers to the fact that it is neither a presidential nor mid-term election. Instead the election will feature city and county level elections (e.g. mayors), citizen initiatives and special elections to fill vacancies.
News, Media and Stories
Written by Gray Ashford '17, Tunnel City explores the life of a transgender male trying to find his place in the rough-and-tumble Pacific Northwest of the early 20th century.
It’s time to hit a home run — Pacific University kicks off our fourth annual Athletic Giving Days challenge on Oct. 24-25, 2023! Make a gift to support the Athletic Director’s Fund or your favorite area of Pacific Athletics to enhance the student-athlete experience.
Pacific University School of Pharmacy (SOP) social media platforms are back and better than ever. Check us out!
As per federal education regulations and the Drug-Free Schools and Community Act, institutions of higher education (IHEs) receiving federal financial assistance must provide an annual update to their campus community regarding alcohol and other drugs/substances resources.
October, American Pharmacists Month, is a time to recognize pharmacists' invaluable contributions to healthcare, patient health and wellness. Learn about the impact our pharmacy students are having on the local community.
At the start of August (well actually July 31) we welcomed a new cohort of Three-Year PharmD Students, our first ever cohort of Five-Year PharmD Students and Stand-alone MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences students!
Your generosity helps strengthen our ability to carry out the mission of the School of Pharmacy and make a difference in students’ lives and well-being. Consider donating to the School of Pharmacy to support the success of our students and program.
A group of 40+ students from Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physician Associates Studies and Audiology came together to provide medical coverage for the 2023 Youth Games which was held at the Nike campus in Beaverton. During this event the team provided care for over 500 Special Olympic athletes.
Join Pacific University in welcoming 21 new faculty members to Boxer Nation. We are grateful to have them here to share their knowledge and expertise in healthcare, education, business and the liberal arts.