News, Media and Stories

Irisa Grimes '17, OTD '20
For Irisa Grimes ’17, OTD ’20 the sky is the limit. Grimes is passionate about veterans’ health, social justice, healthcare equity and intersectionality. We first introduced you to Grimes in 2017. Read more about what this outstanding alumna has been up to since then. 
Honoring All Who Served
Today, on Veterans Day, we pause to acknowledge those who have put on a uniform for this country. But this is not the only day that veterans need or deserve our thanks and attention.
Pacific optometry alumnus and professor Bill Hefner OD ‘96, MEd ‘97 is a commander in the Kansas Air National Guard. He played a key role in the state’s response to the spread of COVID-19.
Chris Walker '21
For Chris Walker ’21, Nov. 11 is more than just his birthday — it is also a time to remember his nearly six years of service in the United States Marine Corps. Read about his experience in Afghanistan, and at Pacific University. 
Chapman Hall
The Admissions department and Career Development Center are hosting a series of events for current students to help them with job searching, resume building, and much more. 
Ceramics students begin fundraiser for youth homeless charity.
Pacific University ceramics students have created a fundraiser to support a local charity, HomePlate Youth. Please consider supporting this event by Nov. 17.
Students gathering in tents and on lawns at Pacific
On Friday, Oregon announced an upcoming two-week “pause” on social activities for several counties experiencing high rates of COVID-19 infection. Though the Pacific University community has done an excellent job of controlling the spread of COVID-19 among our students and employees, the high rates in our surrounding communities and the upcoming holiday season make diligence all the more important. Starting this week, Pacific will make proactive adjustments to follow the guidance associated with the “pause.” Because our procedures are already stringent, these adjustments should not have significant impact on campus activities.
Red gift box on top of holiday lights
As the 2020 calendar year comes to an end, we hope you will consider supporting Pacific University and our students with a year-end gift. Every gift, of any amount, makes an impact, and there are many different ways to support Pacific and our students.
Bernard Brown
From 1941 to 1945, Bernard Brown '49, OD '50 wrote 246 letters from the front lines of World War II to Selma, the woman who would become his wife. Now, those letters are a new book, Dear Selma: A World War II Love Letter Romance, compiled by Brown and his daughter.
Female dancer jumping in air
The Pacific University Theatre and Dance Department presents the Autumn Choreographers Concert in an exclusive online event, streaming Nov. 12-14. 
