News, Media and Stories

Megan Schmauder OD '21
Megan Schmauder OD '21 has been recognized by the Pacific University College of Optometry with three honors upon graduation in May 2021.
Anjali Rupela OD '21
Anjali Rupela OD '21 received the Pacific University College of Optometry 2021 Award of Excellence in Contact Lens Patient Care.
Jennifer Yruegas
Jennifer Yruegas will become dean of the Pacific University College of Business, effective July 1.
Leiana Petlewski '21
A dance and applied theatre double major, Leiana Petlewski '21 was selected as Pacific’s undergraduate valedictorian for May 2021 Commencement. They also were named the university’s Outstanding Senior in Applied Theatre (along with fellow graduate Julia Peterson ’21), Outstanding Senior in Dance, and Outstanding Senior in the Arts.
Cheslock graduated in May 2021 with his doctor of optometry.
Tiffany Kugiya PT '21
Tiffany Kugiya PT ’21 has received a 2021 Physical Therapy Community Service Award from the Pacific University School of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training.
Seema Khatcherian ’21 has received awards from Pacific University for outstanding contributions to student life and for significant contributions to the Center for Gender Equity. 
Brandon Hertz ’21 has been named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in Philosophy and was honored for with the Significant Contributions to the Center for Gender Equity Award.
Karen Ara
Karen Ara ’21 is one of two students honored with Pacific University’s Tom McCall Center for Civic Engagement Award.
Boxer with graduation cap
Trevor Hunt MSAT '21 has been named a 2021 Athletic Training Academic Honoree by the Pacific University School of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training.
