News, Media and Stories

Benjamin Hole, professor of philosophy, will speak at the American Philosophical Association. 
Brant Minor, assistant men's basketball coach, was recently featured in an article about the sport. 
In Memoriam: Roberta Pullen '49
Frank Gaspar, MFA in Writing professor, is set to publish a new novel at the end of January. 
In Memoriam: Ronald Cuevas '83, OD '86
Pharmacy students on international rotations
Third-year pharmacy students participated in global Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) courses in Japan.
Christina Garcia PharmD '13
Through her work with Tin Rx, Garcia works every day to improve drug and service delivery in the LGBTQ and minority communities with HIV.
Mike Millard
“In Mike Millard’s nearly 50-year career in pharmacy, he has effectively helped shape the hearts and minds of many practitioners of the succeeding generation,” said Professor Steve Arendt, a longtime colleague of Millard’s.
Jim Moore
Pacific University political science professor Jim Moore says the U.S. drone strike in Iraq Jan. 3 is consistent with Trump’s unpredictable, go it alone nature, often ignoring the advice of his advisors. Moore delivered his comments recently on radio and television news programs. Local media and journalists around the globe know him as an expert on the Middle East.  
Pharmacy professor Jeff Fortner was recently featured in a pharmaceutical article.
