News, Media and Stories

From President Hallick
Please join me and Pacific University in honoring Juneteenth on Friday, June 19. Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, commemorates the day, in 1865, that the last slaves in America were legally freed from bondage, two years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. To our knowledge, Pacific has not publicly acknowledged this day previously. We are working to do better, and we invite you to continue the dialogue with us.
Title card for episode 5
Today’s conversation centers on microaggressions and how making an intentional choice to not immediately confront one’s oppressor is a commendable, self-preserving survival strategy for people of color.
CPS Building
Fire alarm and mechanical testing in campus buildings started on June 15, and will continue until June 30.
Yellow polycarbonate protective eyewear
Think about protecting your vision during protests.
Fall on Forest Grove Campus
On Friday, June 12, Oregon announced its guidance for colleges and universities to begin resuming on-campus operations in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn what this means for Pacific as we prepare for Fall 2020.
drawing of cassette
Professor William Todd Schultz teaches psychology at Pacific University and has an interest in what makes creative people tick. He has created a playlist which emanates emotional honesty and a level of mild melancholy with moments of hope that some have perhaps been feeling throughout this pandemic.
In Memoriam: Caroll Heusser-Collard '55
In Memoriam: William Erickson '73
drawing of a cassette
Aaron Greer teaches anthropology at Pacific University and has given a couple of PUB Night lectures with the Alumni Association. He teaches a course in Pop culture at Pacific and is known to have quite the passion for music, often referencing his vast collection in class. Check out his playlist to pass the time while you shelter-in-place.
Marsh Hall
Congratulations to the 13 faculty members approved for tenure by the Board of Trustees. Another 21 faculty members were promoted, while 16 other faculty members were granted sabbatical leaves for the 2020-2021 academic year. Learn more about their work at Pacific. 
