News, Media and Stories | Summer 2014

Young children pictured studying together.
Pacific's part-time route to a master of arts in teaching allowed Tristin Jarmer MAT '12 to earn her degree, become a teacher and start helping bilingual students at Hillsboro's Reedville Elementary School begin their route to college and making their dreams come true.
Captain Jeffrey Williams working in his office.
  Jeffrey Williams '93 came to Pacific on a music scholarship. The "Pacific experience," however, gave him the tools to pursue his dream career in law enforcement.
Student leaders have reinstated the historic Black Student Union and founded the Hispanic Heritage Student Association, creating a rising awareness of diversity at Pacific University.
Melissa Lowery '09
Melissa Lowery '09 debuts her feature-length documentary, "Black Girl in Suburbia," about the experience of growing up black in suburban Oregon.
Kimie Pictured with friend
Poetry and Prose have helped playwright Jill Kimie Sadoyama '74 express the loss of her childhood best friend.
Corby pictured with a child on his mission trip.
Alongside a doctor and nurses providing family care for more than 20,000 residents of Bungoma, Corby Makin '12 describes his experiences combining the civic spirit he learned at Pacific University with his medical skills through his mission in Kenya.