News, Media and Stories | Faculty & Staff

Inauguration Week
Don’t miss out on this great series of events March 4-9 celebrating Pacific students, employees and alumni! Then, join us for the Inauguration Ceremony at 4 p.m. March 9. It's also not too late for university staff to lend a hand at inauguration. 
We are sharing these changes with the campus community to keep you informed of the people and programs within Student Affairs and the work that we do to help support Pacific.
Special Olympics & Pacific Unified Sports members
Plunge into the frigid water in for an active and inclusive future with Special Olympics and Pacific University's Unified Sports. Please consider joining our team and take the plunge on March 11.
Trevor Hunt MSAT '21
Trevor Hunt MSAT '21 owes his place in the National Football League to one very long weekend day when he was at Pacific.
"Student Success: Integrating Success Strategies in the Classroom" is a new three-part series aimed at providing instructors with strategies for supporting student success in their classrooms. All online sessions will be recorded and made available to participants.
Flory passed peacefully on Jan. 31, 2023.
Meet staff senators at an open house on the Hillsboro Campus and learn more about Pacific's Staff Senate. We're featuring goodies, giveaways and governance. Mark your calendars and join us on Wednesday, Feb. 15, for fun and information.
Are you wondering how your career would benefit from a Master of Business Administration degree? Find out at a virtual MBA open house on Feb. 16. Learn about your options and financial incentives for Pacific students and employees.
Professor Chuck O'Connor, died Aug. 28, 2022 at age 72
Interested in increasing your financial knowledge? Join the Staff Senate Professional Development Committee in partnership with the Wauna Credit Union for a three-part financial educational series.
