News, Media and Stories | Center For Civic Engagement

Social justice mural at Glen park
Seema Khatcherian ’21 and Karsen Buck ’21 receive the Bevin McCarthy Spirit of Civic Engagement award for their work as the co-founders of a social justice mural in Forest Grove, Ore.
Karen Ara
Karen Ara ’21 is one of two students honored with Pacific University’s Tom McCall Center for Civic Engagement Award.
Anna Nguyen
Anna Nguyen ’21 received the McCall Center for Civic Engagement Award after serving with the center for almost four years at Pacific University.  
Olivia Rockwood
Olivia Rockwood ’21 has been named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in Speech and Debate.
An excited student grins at the camera from her kayak on the lake.
Join Outdoor Pursuits for various activities including a trash cleanup for Earth Day, stand-up paddleboarding, a surf day, all women sea kayaking and more! 
A list of online and physically distanced opportunities for the Pacific community to celebrate Earth Month 2021 in April. 
Dear Stranger: College Edition letter exchange program allows Pacific University students to send letters free of charge courtesy of the Tom McCall Center for Civic Engagement and the Pacific University Mail Room.
Jim Moore speaking
Political engagement tips from Pacific University's Dr. Jim Moore as written for The Oregon Way.
Students at voting info table in the UC
Pacific University is among a select group of campuses around the country and the only institution in Oregon designated as a Voter Friendly Campus for 2021-2022. The designation is the result in part of the university’s participation in the All-In Campus Democracy Challenge for Pacific Votes spearheaded by the Tom McCall Center for Civic Engagement.
Women's History Month
Pacific University is proud to offers a variety of events for all to participate in during Women’s History month — from a casual bike daytrip to explore Forest Grove and inspiring discussions to a play about union organizer Dolores Huerta and performances from students, faculty and staff.
