News, Media and Stories | Student Awards

Brittany Miller
Brittany Anne Miller ’21, of Roseburg, Ore., was named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in Political Science.
Olivia Rockwood
Olivia Rockwood ’21 has been named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in Speech and Debate.
Taylor Clapp
Taylor A. Clapp ’21 has been named the Pacific University Outstanding Senior in Speech and Debate.
Jacquelyn E. Tufts ’21 has been named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in the Humanities. 
Pacific University's Physical Therapy program is proud to announce four distinguished candidates who have been granted admission into the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy's National Honor Society: Maile Altier ’21, Kai Berkedal ’21, Brittney Gately ’21 and Zena Kiyota ’21.  
