News, Media and Stories | Current Students

John Harrelson
The National Institutes of Health grant will fund research to evaluate a dietary agent, cinnamaldehyde, as a prototype for new orally-administered tobacco cessation agents.
Pacific allowed Serena Wallace '19 to pursue to passions — running and music — while working toward her dream career in physical therapy.
Hannah Hulse ’19 measures her life in seasons: volleyball season, lacrosse season, and fire season.
Mallory Hiefield ’17 switched sports in the middle of her college years, finding herself on a conference championship team. In the meantime, she has pursued a rigorous academic path and been elected Undergraduate Student Sentate president.
Pacific basketball player Charli Elliott '19 completed her first novel during freshman year.
Weli Alamillo '18 was excited for the chance to play soccer at the collegiate level. The chance to delve into scientific research, though, was even more exciting.
Clark Wininger ’17 came to Pacific University to play tennis. But through Voyages and the Anthropology/Sociology Department, he’s found a lot more.
Dr. Weberling received the honor at Pacific's spring commencement on May 21.
The biology major from Roseburg graduated summa cum laude on May 21 and is one of two students to have received a Fulbright award this year.
Students can win a $20 Starbucks gift card.
