News, Media and Stories | Faculty & Staff

On Thursday, June 14, the undergraduate student participants of the inaugural URSCI (Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Inquiry) Summer Institute will formally and publicly present the projects they have been working on.
Kevin Johnson
Pacific University Chemistry Professor and School of Natural Sciences Director Dr. Kevin E. Johnson has received a Fulbright International Education Administrators award.
Professor Nancy Neudauer
Pacific University Professor Nancy Neudauer has received her fourth Fulbright Specialist award to continue to expand and develop mathematics education abroad.
Dr. Joaquín P. Borrego Jr., PhD
Dr. Joaquín P. Borrego Jr., PhD has been named the next dean of the School of Graduate Psychology in the Pacific University College of Health Professions, effective Aug. 1, 2018.
Tommy Thayer Speaks at Commencement
Pacific University held its 2018 spring commencement exercises on Saturday at Hanson Stadium on the Forest Grove Campus.
Pacific University honored its employees at the yearly Faculty and Staff Honors and Awards Ceremony May 9.
Tommy Thayer
Pacific University to Bestow Honorary Degree to Thayer, in recognition of his philanthropic leadership efforts that have directly benefited thousands of Pacific students.
Oregon Silverspot Butterfly
Project led by Rich Van Buskirk using scent-trained canines to help identify hospitable habitats for the endangered Oregon Silverspot butterfly.
Brent Norris
Students in the Pacific University Physician Assistant Studies program will have more resources to learn emergency care skills, thanks to a recent grant of nearly $36,000 from Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Ethicon.
Aunty Edna
When Nā Haumāna O Hawai‘i presents its 58th annual Lu’au on Saturday, it will do so in honor of a very special alumna, mentor and friend: “Aunty” Edna Gehring (nee Doar) ’70, MSEd ’72.
