News, Media and Stories | Faculty & Staff

The Undergraduate Student Senate wishes to send a huge thank you to staff and faculty for your hard work behind the scenes this year. We appreciate your dedication and the outpouring of support for Pacific University students during this challenging time.
Donna Kalmbach Phillips
A new scholarship fund for Latinx students in the College of Education is one way Professor Donna Phillips shows her gratitude.
Ian Doyle
Dr. Ian Doyle has been named to the Oregon Board of Pharmacy, where he looks forward to helping achieve strategic priorities encompassing technicians, technology, licensing, regulation and communication. He shares his perspective on his role on the board and the future of pharmacy practice.
Mike Rushfeldt '95
Alumnus and former employee Mike Rushfeldt '95 supports Pacific University with an annual physics scholarship and planned gift. 
Cold weather can bring changing conditions to Pacific campuses and their surrounding areas.
Graphic representation of the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on Dec. 21, 2020
A rare alignment of the solar system's two largest planets offers a phenomenal view — if the clouds cooperate.
From the Board of Trustees
As we approach the end of 2020 members of the Board of Trustees want to tell each and every one of you — students, faculty, staff, deans and directors, President Hallick and her leadership team — how deeply we appreciate your efforts and cooperation in this challenging year of COVID-19. 
Taylor Gillespie '15, MBA '17 poses on the Hillsboro Campus
“The true beneficiaries of the accreditation are students who can pursue their Pacific University business and MBA degrees with confidence and pride," said Associate Dean Jennifer Yruegas.
Charlotte Basch '14
The anthropology-sociology alumna earned a master's in museum anthropology and launched her career working with museums, schools and tribes to expand education around Northwest tribal history and culture.
Brittany Hartmann and Jordan Slavish
Brittany Hartmann '13, MAT '14 is prepared for America to see how she helps Santa make a fast getaway.
