News, Media and Stories

Bede (Lefore) Murphy ’97, also known as Catherine Bede, is an artist whose works are being exhibited by the City of Hillsboro (Ore.) Cultural Arts Division.
Laura Stallings
Dr. Laura Stallings was appointed director of the Student Counseling Center (SCC), said Dr. Mark Ankeny, vice president of enrollment management and student affairs. She has been interim director since early this year.
Matthew “Teo” Mungaray MFA ’18 was featured in an interview conducted by Sundress Publications.
Leonard Levine, former Pacific Instructor, died Apr. 8, 2019, at age 90.
AMIGOS participants in front of Pacific's Jefferson Hall
The award recognizes the extensive domestic and international outreach and care provided by faculty, students, alumni and partners of the College of Optometry.
Lilly Meek
Eva C. Krebs 'Make a Difference' Boxer Spirit Award helps Lilly Meek '21 stay at Pacific.
Otis Houston MFA ’17 interviewed author Thomas Chatterton Williams about his forthcoming book, Self-Portrait in Black and White: Unlearning Race.
Caitlyn Tateishi ’08 is a 2020 Olympics marathon trials qualifier.
Kelly Carmody MAT ’03 was the recipient of the 2019-2020 Bob Srack Excellence in Teaching Award.
Loren Cordain ’74 was featured on the Primal BluePrint Podcast.
