News, Media and Stories | Ruth Zúñiga

Ruth Zúñiga
Zúñiga is an associate professor in the School of Graduate Psychology, where she developed the Sabiduría emphasis.
Ruth Zúñiga, PhD
Here are some of the ways that the School of Graduate Psychology's Sabiduría students have been supporting the mental health of the Latinx community in Oregon affected by COVID and the recent sociopolitical climate and our plans for continuing this work.
In partnership with Pacific University, Providence Promotores are holding Facebook live events to help support the Latinx community. The live events focus on mental health and well being and include topics such as stress management, depression and suicide prevention.
Ruth Zúñiga
Pacific University Professor Ruth Zúñiga, the director of Pacific’s Sabiduría: Latina/o Psychology Emphasis, was awarded a pair of grants to support the outreach work she and her students conduct in the LatinX community.
Ruth Zúñiga
On Facebook, Spanish-language viewers anywhere in the world can join sessions of Charlas Comunitarias to learn about emotional health and resources. The program is led partly by  Ruth Zúñiga, an associate professor in School of Graduate Psychology at Pacific University and director of the university’s Sabiduría Latina/o psychology emphasis.
Dr. Zúñiga has been recognized for outstanding commitment to public health education.