News, Media and Stories

Dr. Lawrence LaRock ’65, OD ’66 died July 6, 2022, at age 80.
John H. Jones ’60 died June 9, 2022, at age 85.
Pacific students in the Pharmacy Lab
Optometry and pharmacy — two of Pacific's specialties — are among the Top Jobs for 2022.
student and teacher
Join the ELC for the 2022-2023 School Year. Now enrolling 3rd/4th grade!
An early class at the Early Learning Community, including current Pacific student Skylar Sanchez '25
From preschool to becoming undergraduates, two students have grown up at Pacific University.
Nancy Christoph
Christoph teaches Spanish, dual languages and international studies at Pacific University.
Collette Wiederrich ’10 Promoted as Manager of Administration at Pac/West Strategies
Collette Wiederrich ’10 was promoted as manager of Administration with Pac/West Strategies, a strategic communications and political public relations firm based in Denver, Colo.
Dr. Chen 7 Kylee Seto '23
Faculty and a student from the School of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training presented research at the 17th International Symposium of 3-D Analysis of Human Movement (3D-AHM) in Tokyo, Japan. 
Ami Halvorson
Multiple Pacific alumni, professors and students were honored in July by the Oregon Optometric Physicians Association.
Amanda Stead
Communications Science and Disorders Professor Amanda Stead will be honored by the American Speech Language Hearing Association for her special contributions in higher education.
