Vote for Your Favorite Local Coffee Roaster to be Served in the New Coffee Shop
Join us for coffee sampling on Wednesday, May 1, in the UC Commons from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Vote for your favorite local roaster to be served in our new coffee shop starting in the Fall.
There will be 3 local roasters to try from:
1. Caravan (used by George Fox University)
2. Dapper & Wise (used by Insomnia)
3. To the Roots (used by BJ’s and Slow Rise)
The roasters have requested that you try the coffee without any creamer or sugar first, to experience the full flavor of their coffee. However, creamer and sugar will be provided if you want to add some after tasting. Voting will be done on-site at the Information Desk in the UC. Hope to see you there!