News, Media and Stories

Dr. Erin Bombiani
The School of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training welcomes its newest faculty member Dr. Erin Bompiani, PT, DPT, PCS to the Physical Therapy Program.
Ellen Margolis Portrait
Dr. Margolis received her second career Drammy Award for Pericles Wet, an adaptation of William Shakespeare's Pericles, Prince of Tyre. 
Professor Lisa Rowley Portrait
Professor Lisa Rowley, founding director of the School of Dental Hygiene Studies, will transition to a faculty position in the school, effective Aug. 31.
Lisa Rowley has received an Award of Excellence in Dental Hygiene from the American Dental Hygienists' Association. 
Associate Professor Laura Edwards-Leeper
Expertise of Dr. Edwards-Leeper and the work of a team clinical psychology students she oversees are featured in The Atlantic magazine.
Providence Health & Services Logo
A grant from Providence Health & Services is providing access to preventative dental care to underserved populations in Washington, Clackamas, Multnomah and Yamhill counties.
On Thursday, June 14, the undergraduate student participants of the inaugural URSCI (Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Inquiry) Summer Institute will formally and publicly present the projects they have been working on.
Kevin Johnson
Pacific University Chemistry Professor and School of Natural Sciences Director Dr. Kevin E. Johnson has received a Fulbright International Education Administrators award.
Professor Nancy Neudauer
Pacific University Professor Nancy Neudauer has received her fourth Fulbright Specialist award to continue to expand and develop mathematics education abroad.
Older Adult doing Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Director Dr. Kevin Chui is the second of four editors for a new e-textbook, Physical Therapy for the Older Adult – Examination and Intervention: An Evidence Based Approach (ISBN: 978-1-4963-4333-8) published by Wolters Kluwer.
