Toni Collins '88 Helps Conduct Study of Short-Eared Owls in Montana

The Blaine County (Montana) News-Opinion featured Toni Collins '88 in a story about a volunteer project to collect data about Short-Eared Owls in Montana.

The newspaper described her interest this way:

Toni got interested in volunteering for the study after encountering a Short-eared Owl on a cold day in February about three years ago. She explained, "It was my day off and I wanted to get some photos. At a crossroads along Red Rock Road I saw an owl on a fence post and took a picture of it. Back home I identified the owl from one of my bird books as a SEOW." 

Two weeks later she saw a post on Facebook asking for volunteers to collect data for the Montana portion of the SEOW study. She added, "It was the first owl I'd ever photographed. The encounter was kismet. After learning this beautiful bird needed help, I realized I could help." 


Thursday, July 9, 2020