Sydney Neumann ’22 Authors Article in APTA Magazine

Sydney Neumann ‘22 authored an article titled “How Do I Get Involved?,” in the Professional Pulse – Student Focus section of the March issue of APTA Magazine. The article includes excerpts from a blog that Neumann authored on in 2020. In the article, she discusses her own journey of professional involvement. Neumann also provides advice on APTA membership, how to get involved, and serving as a resource for others. The APTA Magazine is the signature membership publication of the American Physical Therapy Association. 

Read the full online version of the article

Reference: Neumann S. (2021). How Do I Get Involved? APTA Magazine, 13(2), 56.

Neumann was also featured in two recent news stories as a participant in the APTA Centennial Scholars Program and the newly elected vice president of APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021