Staff Senate Accepting Nominations for Nine Positions
Do you know someone who is passionate about the Pacific community and enjoys connecting with others? Nominate a colleague or yourself to be a part of the Pacific University Staff Senate! There are nine openings for the 2024-2026 term.
Staff Senators have a front-row seat to learn and engage in larger decisions made at the university. The group reviews new programs and policies and meets with administrative leaders to ensure staff input is considered in the decision-making process. Staff Senate also helps organize professional development opportunities, social events, and communications to fellow Boxers.
We encourage you to nominate today, learn more about Staff Senate, and check out who the current 16 members are. Nominations are due by Friday, March 15.
Staff Senate meetings are held every month on the third Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The monthly time commitment is three to four hours.
Staff are eligible to run for Staff Senate if they are not considered faculty or administration, are benefit-eligible (.5 FTE and up), and they have been employed at Pacific for at least one year.
It only takes a few minutes to make a difference in the Pacific community! Nominate Yourself or Someone Today.
If you have any questions about Staff Senate elections, please reach out to